Reviews from

in the past

Simple yet fun. Was always a fan of stick figures fighting each other.

Hours of quality entertainment for a very small price. Absolutely worth it!

Super fun. There really isn't much to say about this game, it's snappy, it hits that old kung-fu movie vibe, and it's really simple and fun to play. It was one of my "I'm bored" go-tos for a long time.

Quite basic, plays like a flash game and the sound is EXTREMELY LOUD. Genuinely a fun game but play this on controller, if you use a mouse you WILL get carpal tunnel.

unique lookign and playing ...rhythm game

This is a fun little 2010s game styled after those stickman fights of yore from the mid 2000s. All gameplay and mechanics, no plot, but really gets you into that flow brainstate to just be clicking away without thinking. A Rhythm game without music, in a way. I only got through the Student mode levels, I have no idea what it's like playing master mode, but i really got my fill after the one run. Can only feel so engaged with exactly one way of playing for so long.