Reviews from

in the past

I do love these weird and off-putting old games, but when I played Harvester, the disappointment was big enough to get me distrustful of any game that shared similar concepts. But this game really nails what it means to be a "quirky and strange adventure game", in which you play as an asylum inmate, but you seem SANE, so what should you do to get out of there? The game starts in the nominal place, where you are surrounded by crazy people that speak so much nonsense you just start to ignore them. But then, as you start to travel through incredible and surreal adventures, you will soon be blabbering nonsense to sane people and be ignored the same way you ignored them. So, were their experiences as real as yours? Or were your experiences those of a mere lunatic as the ones you downplayed? The game blendsreality and the imaginary into a convoluted mess and you will have difficulties trying to discern what is fiction or not, all of this enveloped into an interesting drama which will make a lot of sense by the time you reach the end of the game.