Reviews from

in the past

Mo stretch, mo problems... I enjoyed having a game that was a lot more similar to the original Pushmo, as I wasn't entirely sure if I was one hundred percent about Crashmo. I like the potential of the cute little murals, honestly. Especially now that it's in 3D! Like, more 3D. Unlike the original Pushmo, you can go all around the statues to push and pull and platform your way up the puzzles.

There's four "worlds" of increasing difficulty that star different characters and have different... gimmicks, I guess. They were inexplicably sold as something where you could either buy them separately or get them all at once for a mild discount, which... why not do that in the first place???? Well, whatever. It doesn't matter now because the eShop's fuckin dead.

Mallo's is basically the first game but with more dimensions of block pulling. A malfunctioning robot has accidentally trapped kids inside of the Stretchmo structures, and it's up to Mallo to save them! The other characters' Excuse Stories are less urgent. Poppy's game mode involves platforming through puzzles designed like murals, and the robot tour guide ends up being extremely in lesbians with her. You get flags from her mode instead of getting to get her birds again, which kind of bums me out. I liked the birds, they were goofy (even if I thought rescuing kids made more sense).

Corin is where things get REALLY different. See, as the troubled child who caused all the problems in the first game, they're the Tough Guy who has to do the most dangerous puzzles, as their mode involves actual enemies! (i don't know what pronouns to use for Corin. I think they just identify as a gremlin.) Anyway, these enemies function as both obstacles and important puzzle elements, as you use them in platforming to get to the goal. I'm torn on this one, as I liked the enemies' use as puzzle elements but I don't... actually like them as enemies. It's really a pain to be knocked back to the beginning of a fiddly puzzle that you probably have to restart without the ability to rewind. I didn't actually finish this mode just because I got so frustrated by Dying.

Papa Blox's mode is basically like Poppy's but with NES sprites and they start out fine but then get too complicated for my poor dumb brain to comprehend how to navigate. Like, I guess I could watch walkthoughs... but that kind of defeats the point. The point is figuring it out yourself and going "aha! That's how you do it!" and I'm just too stupid for that. Maybe if there were more entries my brain could wrap its way around it................... there's a final mode that you unlock if you complete all the other sets of puzzles. But man. I don't. Nah. I can't imagine that shit, man....

Anyway, even if I didn't feel compelled to actually finish this game, I still wish this wasn't the last one. I would love to see more of this shit. I'm not great at the 'Mos but I want Mo, you know? It's so charming and fun. Fuck it, put Mallo and the gang in Fire Emblem. Let's have a crazy-ass Intelligent Systems crossover game. I want to see my little guys again.