Reviews from

in the past



My biggest problem with the PS3/360 version of 'Toy Story 3' was that the main story was completed glossed over in favor of the Toy Box open world mode. I liked the the Toy Box mode but the emphasis on it left a bad taste in my mouth. Imagine my surprise when 'Toy Story 3' got a trophy list and my even greater surprise when it wound up being the PSP port that did everything the HD versions didn't want to do. The double objectives on each stage gave the game added replay value on top of all the Buzz side missions, the Woody's Roundup missions, and even a couple more of the little green men puzzles. I still don't think it's much more than decent but it actually focused on the story of the film so I'll give it credit there; it's at least the best version of a 'Toy Story 3' game we got.

I mean Its what youd expect from a movie tie in game. Tho I will say this one is fun. but if you want the better gameplay and stuff play the ps3/xbox360 port.