Reviews from

in the past

Тоже что и WWE2k22. Но тот я для себя открыла GM-мод, который мы с подругами заиграли до самого конца, соревнуясь друг с другом за внимание зрителей

story mode is worth playing everything else not so much

I have not played a wrestling game in over a decade. I had a lot of fun with this. I cannot tell you how it compares to other WWE 2k games, but the wrestling generally felt pretty good and not button mashy.

The lock was a sort of cool spin on the average story line in a 2k game but the writing still leaves much to be desired. Hopefully they switch it to a system that lets you choose your own story. The wrestling isn't much to talk about either. Gank and bugs as usual. At least online creations are still a thing.