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in the past

The gameplay is terrible, but it has an interesting story so Ill give it a break.

Hey gamers

I'm pretty much right down the middle on A Plague Tale: Innocence. For everything I liked, there's another equally inferior aspect that evened my experience out. It looks technically fantastic, but the character animations are worse than Mass Effect, a game that came out over a decade beforehand. The first half of the story was engaging, the second half was not. The score was great, but the characters were bland. I loved the rat mechanics, but the stealth and combat mechanics were shallow and jank.

I've heard much better things about Requiem, so I'm excited to play through it next.

Passei a última semana jogando esse jogo, e posso dizer que realmente gostei dele. A história dele tem alguns plots previsiveis, mas ainda sim é bem legal de acompanhar. O som/música é muito boa. A jogabilidade fica meio repetitiva, pois se baseia só na atiradeira até quase o final do jogo nesmo ganhando "munições" diferentes. Ele é um jogo com bastante foco na narrativa, mas seus puzzles são bem repetitivos e com pouca criatividade. Uma comparação que posso fazer é que, quem jogou sabe, enquanto em God Of War Ragnarok a gente chega no puzzle e Atreus já sai dando dicas, aqui eu chegava nos puzzles e já sabia como resolver. Mas joguem, é um bom jogo e estou ansioso pela sua sequência e ver como seguiram com a história.

This game is so cool, I love the mechanics and the story, very worth playing

A decent little story game, its honestly just visually good with good characters. The fights are ok sometimes being interesting. Not trying to say this game is bad at all but it's really just sneaking around which is ok but also not so fun since you really don't get too many weapons to use against regular enemies and not the rats. The story was pretty good at least, a little odd and out there but im into the odd game here and then

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Great game with excellent story and enjoyable puzzle and combat ✌🏻☝🏼☝🏼can’t wait to play the sequel!

hope this happens to valorant players as well

Um jogo que não esperava nada, mas me surpreendeu muito pelos gráficos e principalmente pela trilha sonora, e uma história bem diferente também

I thought the story of this game was intriguing and almost comforting in a way despite it being about rats and death, but it lacked depth and complexity. Definitely falls in the bucket of "game you complete in a weekend and never really think much about again". You're really forced to stealth around for much of this game, but it never feels too difficult and there are plenty of tools at your disposal but its almost like you never really engage with half of them. Some of the characters are cute and charming, like the main relationship between the MC and Hugo. I hope the sequel builds upon some of the interesting mechanics debuted here.

I had no hope that this game would be good, but it proved the opposite

Personnages attachant, bonne histoire, gameplay sympa, dans un jeu d'un studio jeune et qui a peu d'expérience.

The much acclaimed Ratatouille prequel is pretty good.

This is why you should talk to your family members when grieving

it's alright from a narrative standpoint, the gameplay is kinda easy all the way through, but gets a bit annoying after a while.

I don't have much to say from this one, but i'll admit that was at least an interesting experience

Jogar isso pela primeira vez é inesquecível

There are some good ideas here but the overall experience is pretty middling. The story is cool but the characters are boring and the dialogue is really bad. The game is pretty but the animations are janky as hell. Some of the levels are well designed but the gameplay is too restrictive to take advantage of that. Not bad but not really worth playing imo.

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Achei que esse jogo ia ser chato não vou mentir, mas a questão dos ratos me deixou muito curioso pra saber como toda essa mecânica funcionava, no final não me decepcionou.

Plague tale pra mim foi um dos, se não o melhor jogo que foca muito no puzzle que eu já joguei, principalmente pela fluidez sem quebrar a imersão. Quando você não consegue resolver um puzzle geralmente um dos seus companions fala alguma dica e se demorar muito o jogo até faz ele falar onde tem que mexer, o que é mil vezes melhor do que a pessoa parar o jogo e ir ver tutorial de como passar daquele puzzle.

Assim tem seus momentos ruins na história a dublagem nem sempre é 100% as vezes eles tem reações exageradas ou são bem caricatos na atuação, alguns momentos são vergonha alheia também, mas no final funciona e a história e os personagens são bons o suficiente pra vc acreditar no enredo.

Ai pra todo jogo ter um pontinho a mais a gente tem que ter aquele ponto único, nessa aqui com certeza foi a mecânica dos ratos, nossa como funciona bem se mesclando na história fazendo o paralelo com a praga do mundo real e até tem elogios pra questão técnica né, muito mais muito rato na tela e o jogo não laga só vai rodando liso, realmente é o ponto alto desse jogo.

i want to buy the second part but i aint got enough money

Joguei o jogo sem esperar muito e ele me surpreendeu bastante. A história é super interessante e cativante, com mecânicas fáceis de apreender mas que são usadas de formas desafiadoras, é um jogo que se vale a pena jogar ao menos uma vez na vida.

It's kind of fitting that hand-holding is what you do most in this game when it happens to you, the player, just as much, if not more.

MERMAO que jogo incrivel, sou suspeito a falar pq adoro tudo que envolva historia e ambientação da idade media, mas a historia é impecavel e em nenhum momento eu achei maçante

Oh it's the first Plague Tale

I didn't expect to like this game so much. Playing it in french really helped with the immersion.

A Plague Tale: Innocence is a game that I have been looking forward to playing since it came out. 3rd person linear games are my jam, especially ones with a heavy emphasis on story. Did this game blow me away? No. But I think that it is a great, solid game that does a lot of things right.

I felt that the premise was just a bit generic, yet the presentation was great. Pacing is good, with just the right amount of high-intensity sequences leaving you breathless when they're done. Voice acting is some of the best I've ever heard in a game, with believable performances making me empathize with the characters. The game is also visually stunning, with detailed environments evoking emotion of fear or calm when needed. The soundtrack also sets the tone of the game beautifully. Gameplay-wise, the game is engaging, with stealth sequences, puzzles and a basic combat system. There are also many interesting craftable upgrades and ammunition, encouraging you to stray from the beaten path whenever possible to collect materials. Collectibles also have interesting backstories and commentary by the characters, encouraging me to go for a second run to 100% the game.

However, I have 3 main gripes

1. The way the dialogue works in the game. You ever play a game where you have an NPC saying something, then something happens that causes their dialogue to stop, then once that distraction is over they keep talking? Not here. There were many times when I was playing the game, sometimes at the pace it seemed to push me, and a character's line would get cut off by their next line, sometimes affecting an entire conversation between characters. It's beyond annoying, as I'm a stickler for story and details. At times I would restart to the last checkpoint to hear the full dialogue, which is sometimes worsened by my second issue...

2. Checkpoint placements. Like I was saying with the dialogue issue, sometimes I would play the game at its pace, a whole 10-20 seconds of dialogue is cut, and I would reload to the last checkpoint, only to load to a point after the dialogue took place. It breaks the flow of the game. I know this is a minor issue and many people won't notice, but having only one checkpoint/save slot could be quite annoying when this happens. Checkpoints are also sometimes placed before a big sequence, but there would be plenty of items and optional paths to explore from that point before you trigger the sequence. So having to do all of that stuff every single time you reload after a screw-up during the sequence is quite annoying, as you essentially can't go back once it is completed.

3. My final gripe is with the lipsyncing. It's quite bad. That's all.

"A Plague Tale: Innocence" impresses with its stunning graphics and atmospheric visuals, immersing players in a hauntingly beautiful medieval world. The game features engaging mechanics, particularly the use of stealth and puzzles involving hordes of plague rats, but these can feel repetitive as the game progresses. The story, while intriguing, leaves room for improvement in terms of depth and character development. Level design is mostly exceptional, offering a variety of environments that enhance the gameplay experience, though some sections can feel sluggish and disrupt the pacing. Overall, "A Plague Tale: Innocence" is a good game worth the money if you enjoy its unique setting and mechanics, despite some repetitive elements and storytelling shortcomings.

Good engaging story, fun gameplay