Reviews from

in the past

Summer of ???4: Game 2 (1994)

Anyone who bothers to look at my profile would know I'm on a major Arcade kick lately, so the year to look at for this project is undoubtedly 1994 while in that zone. And wow, I picked an instant classic to kick off that thought process with.

This is everything you could ever want from a beat em up: mechs, micro-challenges in the form of time attacks within the stages, gameplay being switched up with shooting segments and the ability to replace parts of your mech to better serve your immediate purpose; all of this to break what would have been monotony if the game ever outstayed its welcome, wrapped up in quite honestly some of the best trash talk and banter between its four lovable playable characters.

I must admit, even being "in the Arcade" for the better part of a month now, this one managed to surprise me with its final boss and illicit a response where I had to pick my controller back up in a hurry. Honestly this is just a real fun time across its seven stages and I thoroughly recommend it.