Reviews from

in the past

Summer of ???4: Game 2 (1994)

Anyone who bothers to look at my profile would know I'm on a major Arcade kick lately, so the year to look at for this project is undoubtedly 1994 while in that zone. And wow, I picked an instant classic to kick off that thought process with.

This is everything you could ever want from a beat em up: mechs, micro-challenges in the form of time attacks within the stages, gameplay being switched up with shooting segments and the ability to replace parts of your mech to better serve your immediate purpose; all of this to break what would have been monotony if the game ever outstayed its welcome, wrapped up in quite honestly some of the best trash talk and banter between its four lovable playable characters.

I must admit, even being "in the Arcade" for the better part of a month now, this one managed to surprise me with its final boss and illicit a response where I had to pick my controller back up in a hurry. Honestly this is just a real fun time across its seven stages and I thoroughly recommend it.

Gameplay: Great
Story: Good
Controls: Great
Graphics: Great for its time
Length: Great
Characters: Great

Note: Played on RG35XX Retro handheld console.

You know what I really like? Giant mech suit robots. There have been quite a fuck ton of these things that have been made and shown off in various games, movies, TV shows and what have you over time, and while some of them can be pretty lame and…….. stupid, most of them either end up being fun or straight up fucking awesome! Not only that, but they can be the solution to any problem that you are having. You need something to make your product more exciting and likable? Giant robot. You need to get rid of some bozo that’s constantly bothering you all the time? GIANT ROBOT. You need to spice up your relationship so that you and your partner don’t end up leaving each other? GIANT. ROBOT. And hey, these things even work in the case of today’s game, because one day at Capcom HQ, while trying to develop new games, I guess they were thinking to themselves “Hmm…. how can we make a beat-’em-up that spices things up and doesn’t just feel like a retread of our previous games?” and the answer to that question was simple: giant robots. They then took this idea and ran with it, creating the forgotten, yet oh so sweet, Armored Warriors.

I had never played this game before, but it was always one of the games from the Capcom Arcade Stadium that managed to catch my eye whenever I would scroll through what was available to choose from. Not only did the game have that look of quality Capcom games usually have, but it was also a beat-’em-up WITH MECHS. How could they possibly fuck up that kind of concept? Of course though, me being me, I waited long enough to play it, so I decided now was a good time to finally give it a shot, and yeah, it is definitely as great as I thought it was gonna be. It can definitely feel pretty same-y at times, especially if you have played Capcom’s other beat-’em-ups, but this game still manages to kick all the ass for most of its run, not only because of its gimmick, but also by just being really fun in general.

The story is somewhat generic for this type of game and genre, where after a long-fought war has come to an end through the use of a ceasefire treaty, news starts to spread that Melkide, the capital of Raian, has been overtaken by a mysterious and malevolent army, so it is up to a group of soldier to pilot their own respective mechs, go take back the city of Melkide, and figure out what is truly going on, which is the kind of plot that I would typically complain about, but I am too distracted by the giant mech action happening to get that upset. The graphics are wonderful, fully carrying that shine of quality that Capcom usually gives to their arcade titles, while also having plenty of fantastic designs, animations, and details given to all of the different robots, characters, environments, and so on, the music is… somewhat of a let-down, definitely not giving off the exact vibe and feel that a game like this should have, but the tracks themselves are still fine and enjoyable enough to listen to, and the gameplay/control is very typical for that of a beat-’em-up, only you, once again, are in control of giant mechs, which makes it all worthwhile.

The game is mostly a typical arcade beat-’em-up, where you take control of one of four different mechs, go through seven different missions that will take you across several locations across multiple planets and the depths of space, take out the many different enemy mechs and soldiers in your way using your mech’s various skills and different powers, gather plenty of different items to get points and heal your mech, along with plenty of different weapons to get an edge over your foes, and take on plenty of larger than life bosses that will test you in how you use your weaponry in many different circumstances. This is the same song and dance we have partaken in with many other games in the past, but again, not to sound like a broken record, but the fact that all of this is done with giant mechs and the benefits that come with them makes this all the more engaging and fun to play through.

One of the best things to come from this game that no other game in this genre has been able to accomplish so far would be with the use of the weapons that you get. As you defeat plenty of enemies, they will drop many different parts, and at points, you can even pick up those parts and attach them directly onto yourself to change up your attack, from a standard punch to a drill to even a laser sword of all things! This also applies to your secondary weapon, which you can swap out for different types of guns like a grenade gun, a laser, and a flamethrower. All of this is already pretty sweet, but then you get to the different types of legs you can swap between as well, which not only gives you a greater feel for mobility depending on what you get, but it also allows you to perform plenty of different special moves that can both change the tide of battle and be amazing to watch play out. If none of this convinces you though, then you may change your mind when I tell you that, if you are to play this game with one or two other people, you can pull a Power Rangers and combine your mechs together to create one GIANT mech that can cause much more destruction and mayhem, with all players needing to control one specific aspect of the mech in order for it to function. This is as cool as it sounds, and I love how it actually requires you and your friends to work together as a team, rather then just simply having one of those “Beat up all the guys so that we can move on already” kind of playthroughs.

With all that being said though, if giant mech suits aren’t exactly your bread and butter (and by that, I mean you are some kind of weirdo), then you probably won’t get too much out of this game that you haven’t seen from other beat-’em-ups in the past, especially from Capcom. If you look past all the cool mech shit, it works pretty much exactly like another typical game from the genre, one that is fun to play, but some could find generic nonetheless. Not to mention, there are several instances where arcade syndrome can peer its ugly head around the corner, making some fights and bosses much more stressful than they need to, but thankfully it is nowhere near as bad as other games out there, and it still manages to be very fun at the end of the day regardless of any complaints I could have about it.

Overall, despite being another typical beat-’em-up under the surface and having some slight difficulty issues here and there, this was a blast to play after wanting to try it out for so long, and it is definitely one of the best beat-’em-ups that I have ever played from Capcom, having plenty of different mech forms and weapons to try out, having explosive and fun gameplay all throughout, and managing to make a gimmick like this work almost flawlessly that’ll make any fan of giant robots wanna try it out for themselves. I would definitely recommend it for those people, as well as those who are big on arcade beat-’em-ups in general, because if the typical means of progression throughout the game won’t do it for you, the combat, visuals, and customization of your mechs certainly will. And hey, it even managed to get a spin-off of sorts just one year later, so it clearly worked out for the best. I wonder what that game is li- AAAAAAAAND it’s another fighting game. Holy shit, Capcom, buddy, I get it, you made a lot of great fighting games, but not everything you make needs to become a fighting game at some point! What’s next, are you gonna make an Ace Attorney fighting game?............ you know, one that doesn’t involve Marvel?

Game #574

This was cool but also probably a bit too much was on screen constantly.

Beat 'em up com robô gigante e durante o combate pode pegar as partes dos mechas inimigos e colocar no seu robô.
Precisa falar mais alguma coisa?
(Tirando que todos os diálogos estão em japonês)

It's interesting how this game is pretty much the ancestor to Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness, only instead of a fighting game, it's a beat' em up.

I really like how many weapons and sub-weapons you can find in the stages, they help give the combat of the game more variety and prevent it from being as stale as other beat' em ups.
Besides that, the story was simple, but fine, and I really liked how the game's OST sounded like something you'd hear in one of the SNES Mega Man X games.

Besides that, it's a good game, don't have much to say about it.

Playing the Capcom Beat 'em up bundle I was really starting to think that only Capcom's licensed games like Aliens vs. Predator, The Punisher etc. were truly worth playing. With my friend and I generally being pretty uninspired by Knights of Round, Warriors of Fate and Final Fight we weren't expecting much with Armored Warriors next in our playlist but it came out and kicked us in the teeth out of nowhere.

Simply put it plays superbly well. It's incredibly fluid with smooth animations, frame rate and unique attacks. The mechs you pilot all have melee attacks as well as ranged weapons with limited ammo. As you destroy enemies they will drop more guns, missile launchers, claws, drill arms among other weapons which have completely different animations and attacks. This all gives the game a lot of variety but that doesn't even include replaceable legs like tank tracks that allow you to jump like a spiked ball, spider legs that allow you to spin jump and launch an orbital bombardment or a flying rocket pack. The attack options are pretty exceptional for a beat 'em up that only mech customization of swapping parts would really allow. Other interesting things we noticed for the genre was a difference between solo and co-op play that some sections will drop a huge tank like unit exclusive to multiplayer both your mechs will attach too as weapons. One character controls it moving and attacks while the others only attack. It's only for a limited time but it's a pretty cool feature allowing you to have dealt some boss damage additionally.

Visually I think the game is stunning. It's sprite work is Capcom at it's peak and everything is colourful yet designed in a way to be as clear to the player as possible from each other, enemies and backgrounds. The mech designs are excellent, my favorite being the super fast yellow one allowing me to dash and jump around the screen like a lunatic. There are four to choose from and similar to any beat 'em up they have their pros and cons for speed to power ratios depending on which character you choose.

The story isn't much to write home about and there is some small niggles around picking up weapons by accident I often have due to button limitations on arcade machines. They are tiny issues, inconsequential at worst to an otherwise fantastic looking and playing arcade beat 'em up. I had an absolute blast playing this and will easily come back to this time and time again. Who doesn't love a chunky mech firing a volley of rockets off before power drilling through several enemies while their friend shouts "use the vulcan!" as they fire their gun quoting a line from 90's anime New Dominion Tank Police they know off by heart? I mean who?


+ Gorgeous Visuals.
+ Swapping parts is a great mechanic adding variety.
+ Smooth playing with excellent visual and mechanical design.

Similar in feel to Captain Commando, but with a more visually consistent cast, a unique weapon and power-up system, and overall better presentation. The story is a bit dull, but I'm playing these for the mindless violence, so who cares.

Another coinfeed run but this game was too caothic for my tastes. Pretty damn awesome still

During the 90s there were so many arcade beat 'em ups that they all began to blur together. This game stands out thanks to a unique mechanic of switching out parts on your armored warriors. On top of the fun gameplay, Armored Warriors also has nice, colorful graphics and is sure to please any fan of the genre.

A beat 'em up about giant robots in which you can knock off arm and weapons attachments that you can then use for yourself. You can also smoosh human-sized enemies stupid enough to fire at you with their puny little rifles.

I played through Armorer Warriors three times today on my Arcade 1up cab. Firstly I played as the orange character and it took me 14 continues to see the ending. Using the Blue/Yellow characters took me another 14 continues and finally a playthrough with the Green character took me 13 continues. I felt like I was getting better, but only a little bit. And some of the later bosses felt a bit cheap, so I was hammering the energy draining super moves.

Attacks had a good sense of weight to them, although some of the weapon pick ups felt much more useful than others. I quite liked the tank-like treads and the drill arm. Napalm was pretty cool too. Gameplay was surprisingly hectic considering the size of the mechs. I found that the size of the characters made it difficult to line up your attacks or avoid the enemy attacks, especially when the screen was busy.

Overall, I thought it was a bit bland. The gameplay was solid, but I didn’t care for the story or the characters. The graphics were good, but I’m not into the mech/military theme and none of the music was memorable.

Extremely nice-looking mecha beat-'em-up with custom parts and weapons, picked up as you go. For a Capcom title it doesn't overstay its welcome. Still I can't fully get into it; I think the heavier movement is unappealing.

Ben hiç beğenemedim. Çok kaotik, ekranda çoğu zaman ne olduğunu anlayamıyordum.Savaşlar da tatmin etmiyor. Mecha seviyorsanız seversiniz herhalde de ben beğenmedim

A Capcom beat ‘em up that’s mech themed, has bright colors, great art design, satisfying combat with a really interesting weapon system that keeps combat engaging the whole way through. This game rocks it was pretty much made for me.