Reviews from

in the past

Love this game. A very well designed roguelike bullet hell shooter with plenty of weapons and items to find on your runs. Great for when you want a quick session, or when you want to sit for hours trying to beat the whole thing.

So much charm in this little rougelite. I love guns

Enter the Gungeon's massive amount of unique weapons and items can create some wild combinations and interactions, but not being able to see their stats or remove some of them from your item pool can force you to use a lot of weapons that you hate.

I dunno, this game just really didn't click with me

I love roguelikes and I believe Enter the Gungeon is one of my favorites!
In this game, you can play as different characters with different starting weapons/items.
The goal: conquer the Gungeon !

The gameplay is very rich and almost infinite. Each run will be different, and you'll need to be patient to unlock the multitude of items and weapons that make up the Gungeon. The controls can be quite complex if you're not used to it. Learning the patterns of mobs and bosses, using blanks, learning each weapon and item...
Personally, I loved it right away! The tutorial is well explained, and I enjoy the aspect of discovering everything. Don't think that beating the boss on the 5th floor means you've finished the game... far from it! The game is also playable in co-op !

Graphics and Art Design:
Well yes, I love pixel art. It's beautiful; it's not ultra-HD realistic, but the game has its own identity. You don't need a powerful PC; I experienced some slowdowns when there were a lot of shots on the screen, but nothing too bothersome.

Achievements and Other Aspects:
The achievements take a long time to farm and, as I said, the game has an almost infinite lifespan. I highly recommend this game (especially since it's not expensive during Steam sales!). Additionally, the game has received many free updates, adding even more content. I think the game can become tiresome after a while; so you play it, take a break, come back to it, etc.
To my knowledge, there is a small DLC that adds a weapon, but it's really just for fun.

My final score: 18/20
Recommendation: Definitely buy it !

just watch my downwell video lol. one thing i didnt mention in that video is that i have like 200 hours in this game for reasons i shant expound upon

this game is what you get if you were to combine nuclear throne and the binding of isaac...
which sounds amazing, but it doesn't work as well as you'd hope.
enter the gungeon has fun gameplay and aesthetic, but as a roguelike it feels like an absolute drag. maybe i'm just not playing it right, but the lack of ammo resources and the absolutely gigantic stages make the game feel like a slow tip toe through a gigantic labyrinth. it's not like a slower roguelike is bad, per se. i mean, isaac can be pretty slow but i think it makes up for that with the simple and definitive upgrades you can add to your character. with gungeon, it feels like you're always just one good item behind of a satisfying run, constantly. probably the most useful thing you can get are well, guns. but for a game all about guns, it sure is costly to overuse them! maybe i'm not playing the game right, but as someone who is more used to nuclear throne's pace, i feel like i'm constantly starving for ammo. maybe the game would go faster if i used anything but my default gun more often, but as soon as i get to the boss i'm regretting ever having used my new toys in the first place. it's frustrating in that way.
it's sad to see that people consider this the "definitive" roguelike gun game when nuclear throne, the perfect little darling, is sitting right there.

i dunno! like i said, i could be playing the game wrong. i'll probably give it another shot (haha) soon to see if experimenting a little more will make me find my love for the game. but until then...!

I was so bad at this game i never killed the final boss

I still haven't beaten this game. 10/10

Look I'm absolute dogshit at this game. I cannot get past the second floor. I still enjoy it so much and have spent so many hours on it because it's just that FUN. Might eventually return to it. Still recommended!

never understood the hype for this game. it's just a slower version of nuclear throne; sure there's more polish and content overall but whenever i play this i just think "this isn't as fast-paced and chaotic as nuclear throne, i wish i was playing that" then i switch to that instead.

One of the first roguelikes I've played and holy, have I been playing just a small small fraction of it.
Also I only beat a run with the rare rainbow chest so idk if i am entitled to say i finished it or the game pitied my attempts that it game me a freebie

Wanted to play this on coop because it looked like fun, but:
- You can play the tutorial only in single player, with the door to the tutorial blocked off; however the game doesn't tell you that and I had to Google to find out what was wrong. That's bad design right there, both the blocking and the fact the game didn't bother to inform us. Had to do the tutorial with one of us looking on.
- The game treats the coop player as a second class citizen - they don't get to choose a character and hence they don't get a second weapon, just some boring peashooter, and the NPCs flat out refuse to talk to them about anything of importance. I haven't seen another coop game where the game itself has such disdain for the coop player.
- Because treasure chests are tied to revival in coop, you don't get any loot from them if you use them for that, leaving you under-equipped for the boss.
- Also it's just plain boring playing with the most basic weapons.

To be quite honest, the game isn't really my style either, this kind of arcadey bullethell beat/shoot-em-up. But I loved Helldivers 1 and not just because it looked prettier, but it instantly gave you more interesting choices, and it didn't treat your partner as some shit stuck to your shoe. Far beyond bad design, this is just mind-boggling.

The game probably gets better after the first level, but if you want your players to come back, you should give them some reason to do it. Actively blocking them from enjoying your game without any explanation hardly does it.

So take my low-star review with a huge grain of salt, but also fuck this game.

ive played like twice in 2017 or something, maybe ill go back one day

This game is fucking awesome man. I had never really played a bullethell before gungeon so there was definitely a steep learning curve, but it was well worth it. This game has SO much content. Secrets everywhere you look, what feels like endless weapon/gear combinations, and some serious difficulty to boot. I played the shit out of this game for like a year and still haven't done absolutely everything there is to do in it. What a game man..

Uma das minhas frustrações na coleção, pois era um dos poucos jogos que comprei e não zerei, mas esse, não foi por não querer, foi por não conseguir.
Tiveram jogos que comprei e não me agradaram ao ponto de querer completar tudo, mas ao menos a campanha principal eu terminava, aqui, eu não conseguia chegar ao final.
Mas acho que jogar este jogo depois de cuphead tirando S, meus reflexos melhoraram, e consegui zerar, mas não só isso, fiz o final de todos os personagens que possuem final, e também venci todos os chefes do jogo.
Ficou faltando liberar um personagem, mas senti que minha missão aqui foi cumprida, mas devo voltar pra ele a qualquer momento.
Uma informação importante, é que não acho que fiquei tão melhor assim como jogador, a sorte é muito importante aqui, e só jogando muitas partidas vc pode comprar armas melhores e após isso, ter a chance de encontrá-las no balabirinto.
Então o jogo recompensa quem se dedica a ele, e se torna uma questão de tempo e sorte, para você ter uma run ótima e estar forte o suficiente para vencer o jogo todo.
Digo isso, pq voltei pra esse jogo umas 3 vezes, e fui então acumulando armas melhores, até que liberei a arma de buraco negro e quando tive a oportunidade de usá-la em uma run, o jogo ficou fácil, mas senti que eu merecia aquilo, por estar há tanto tempo me dedicando.
Gostei demais do jogo, que bom, que não desisti.

Que jogo maneiro, muito divertido e viciante.
Um rogue like de respeito, onde você passa por muitos desafios em meio a uma chuva de tiro, sendo muito frenético, cheio de Piu Piu Piu e plow plow plow.
Gosto dos personagens e de toda temática de "tempo", muito Zika cada arma e todo o RNG do jogo.
Uma pena que depois de várias horas, eu fiquei enjoado, joguei muito sem parar.

A good rouge like I come back to every once and a while

One of the best roguelikes out there for my tastes. There are TONS of synergies that are fun to experiment with, tons of secrets, and lots of variety in runs. Different modes make it even more re-playable, and Turbo Mode is stupid fun.

super duper fun and polished. wish it had more synergies, but overall a very well designed game with a lot of love put into it

Enter the Gungeon foi uma grata surpresa que eu tive, o jogo é simplesmente perfeito, o nível de criatividade que foi colocado nele é gigantesco. Demorei muito pra aprender a jogar ele mas depois de anos jogando consegui fazer tudo que tinha disponível no jogo mesmo com a dificuldade elevada.

skill based shooter unlike valorant

Bullshit game with bullshit enemies and bullshit bosses that just kill you no matter what you do. I will never finish it and I also just didn't like playing it for the amount of time that I did play it.