Reviews from

in the past

I liked this a lot more than The Missing Heir, mostly because I thought the story was significantly more tense and engaging here. The same brute-force trial-and-error style of gameplay is present but it didn't bother me as much—maybe I'm just used to it now? I didn't know there was some kind of relationship mechanic with your partner until the end but I took it very personally when I only got half of the possible hearts 😔

I liked The Girl Who Stands Behind quite a bit. It’s basically just a more refined version of The Missing Heir, but that isn’t a bad thing. (And for the record, you can play the games in any order. They don’t directly impact each other.) I appreciated the increased focus on sleuthing and testing my knowledge, as well as the more relatable cast of characters. The ghost story at the heart of this tale was also a lot more engaging than the previous game’s, despite the less interesting locations. Overall, if you like detective games, or enjoyed The Missing Heir, TGWSB is a solid title and one more peek into this genre’s past.