Reviews from

in the past

niko's such a good character i sat through those repetitive ass missions to see how things turned out for him

finalmente joguei, e estou encantado com o jogo, gostei demais. a temática é muito legal, os personagens fora o Niko (que é excelente) são muito bons e o Roman é FANTÁSTICO.

Discordo de qualquer tentativa de dizer que esse jogo é superior ao gta V, pra mim ele é pior em quase tudo, MAS isso não quer dizer que o jogo seja ruim, ou algo do tipo, pra época ele foi absurdo, faz jus ao nome de GTA.

Achei a mecânica de escolhas capitais em determinados momentos do jogo muito interessante, gostei muito do sistema de sair com os amigos do Niko, dirigir no jogo é MUITO realista e quando pega jeito fica bom demais.

o principal ponto negativo foi que na versão que joguei (Xbox One versão 360) não tem checkpoint nas missões, perdeu/falhou/morreu: faz tudo de novo. MAS mesmo isso que me incomodou muito não me tirou a vontade de jogar, joguei muito, me diverti e foi uma experiência MUITO BOA.

Nova Iorque é irada demais.

NICOOOOO!!! MY COUSIN (planning to use his cousin)

Some bugs, but peak main character, awesome soundtrack and even better plot.

this dark and gritty view of liberty city from the perspective of nico bellic is just amazing. favorite gta by far for me

While I enjoyed quite a bit of the main story and loved Niko as a main character, I found the game went on for a bit too long and Rockstar's tyrannical mission design quite grading after a while.

i'd rather go bowling than play valorant

It meant a lot to me at the time but that does not mean it's good, and even for Rockstar games this was dicey at the time too. Can only imagine how hard this would be to tolerate in 2024, but fortunately I don't have to because completionism is a poison.

DISCLAIMER: IF YOU PLAY THIS GAME ON PC, MAKE SURE TO GET RADIO RESTORED and FUSION FIX MODS. When R* re released this game on PC, they cut like more than half of the songs from the base game and DLCs due to licenses expiring. Fusion Fix helps optimize the game better and adds missing visuals.

I pretty much loved almost everything about this game except for the actual missions themselves.

I loved the interactivity of everything in the game. It's especially notable in combat when you see enemies ragdoll different depending on where they're hit or shot but the details go beyond that to just tiny details around the environment like being able to chip and break walls or windows which is really impressive for GTA game and also just makes the game feel much more satisfying.

The story was also probably my favorite so far out of all the GTA games I've beaten, its the most grounded and believable story while still retaining a lot of comedic elements of the previous games. I really like Niko as a character and especially near the end of the game, I really was invested in how the game led to where it went depending on what choices I'd made earlier in the story.

I really enjoy the design of Liberty City, I really miss the more closely condensed design of GTA maps where everything feels close together and more detailed oppose to Los Santos in GTA V that feels like a pain in the ass to drive through because its a lot more vertically positioned rather than horizontal like Liberty City.

The radios in this game are amazing as well, so many bangers. I thought it would be worth mentioning since you spend so much time in GTA driving around, listening to the radio.

Like I said earlier, the biggest gripe I have with this game is the missions. Almost all of them feel the exact same and do genuinely end up feeling like errands rather than something that I feel genuinely invested and interested into getting into. Especially with how many different characters the game introduces, it makes a lot of missions feel trivial and kind of like a slog to keep the player busy. Almost every mission is just (Drive here-> Kill this guy->Drive away from cops-> earn $___). It's very dull.

I also like the idea of the friend reputation system but in execution, it again feels more like an actual chore to manage rather than something that adds extra depth to the game. However, listening to the dialogue between friends is always intriguing, it just can become annoying when you feel the need to continuously keep up the reputation of the all the random ass friends you've gotten throughout the game.

Great game overall though, it's a game I played a lot of online of as a kid but I never beat until now.

Solid game. The physics engine made for this game was so cool. Niko was kinda bland.

the pc version is a trash, but the lore and the gameplay is really fun, I'ts a Gta After all

Um dos GTAs que eu menos curti

Yes cousin, I do want to go bowling. For you Roman? Anything

Chato e repetitivo, cheguei nas ultimas 20 missões e dropei. Adoro o mapa, os personagens, a história e a gameplay, mas as missões(cujo é o foco do jogo) são insuportáveis e eu não consegui continuar, talvez um dia eu volte e tente novamente, mas não irei mudar de opinião.

Thrilling story. Beautiful and detailed world + gameplay. A lot of love and polish all across board. A realistic theme that actually sticks, and shines, as the best of it's type. Cannot recommend enough.

Pra mim, o que mais me cativa nesse jogo é a imersão. É maravilhoso a atmosfera que foi desenvolvida aqui, é uma verdadeira viagem para o universo do jogo! Você sente que tudo é vivo, orgânico e natural. A cidade é viva.

A campanha é boa (pra um GTA), mesmo não sendo a melhor, porém faltou mais variação nas missões, como disse o Funky, o jogo se baseia em: "vá lá e mate aquele cara!". Entretando, o gunplay nesse jogo é incrível e releva a repetição, mas isso só se você sair rushando nos inimigos, pois a mecânica de cover é bem travadona aqui. E graças a física Euphoria, cada morte e acontecimento é CINEMATOGRÁFICO.

Replayed after 5 years for the third time and this game is still amazing as I played the last time

Hilarious dialogue as always. Amazing attention to detail and world design. Classic game.

grand theft auto 4... man. what a game. it really feels like they don't make them like this anymore. gta 5 was a massive disappointment to me in the areas that are my favorite aspects of this game. tone, narrative, characters. the things you think about when you put a game down, 4 rocks with that shit. 4 is so much darker than 5, but not in an edgy way that feels over the top. it's also hilarious, the humor they do use is perfectly done. the radio specifically has some great bits. the tone is masterfully handled. liberty city feels so disgusting, and you find yourself so captivated in seeing niko attempt to live the american dream. the gameplay of 4 has of course aged, with the driving feeling particularly awful after experiencing the buttery smooth driving you get in 5. the radio also fucking sucks now, they destroyed the best stations. i understand licenses run out or whatever, but man did it suck. and the gunplay isn't nearly as good as 5's, it's very clunky. overall, the gameplay holds up worse than 5. so why do i rank this beauty higher than that title? soul. it sounds pretentious, and it is, but this game has tangible soul. i get so immersed in the world of 4 whenever i boot it up. the sound design and the visuals are still stellar to this day. i can only hope 6 takes more lessons from 4 than 5. but hey, who are we kidding? 80% of gta 6 will probably be gta online content anyway lol.

as much as i've sucked this game off though, i need to bring up the absolute worst part of it. the ending mission. you can not beat it if your game is running at 60 fps. that is not an exaggeration, you are literally, physically incapable of beating it. that is so fucking annoying. the missions sucks anyway, it takes forever, it is super easy to fail at any part of the mission, and i can't be fucked to do it after like 6 failures in a row. skill issue me all you want, i'm not playing that shit. youtube exists for the cutscenes.

I've spent over 50 hours on the game over the past few weeks, without ever being bored. That's how much I loved it. Great story, great characters, great setting, I won't elaborate more but I think it's a masterpiece and playing this in 2008 must have been mind-blowing.

Smaller Map but really good story

J'ai un souvenir terne de cet opus New-Yorkais. Seul point éclatant à mes yeux : les codes de triche sont sauvegardés dans le téléphone du jeu.

The tire swing glitch over and over again.