Reviews from

in the past

I love how unique It Takes Two is and all the great things it did for co-op gaming and promoting indie games to the spotlight.

The game does great at providing the player with lot of mechanics each level and bringing nice references to other games. I'm not the hugest fan of platformer games like this, hence my lower rating but i can appreciate this is a masterpiece of a game but the story does leave a little to be desired and felt rushed and poorly paced in areas.

Had tons of fun playing through this one, dare i say this is the best co-op experience ever, by far. A beautiful entry to play with your s/o or a friend regardless if they play games or not.
Loved the creativity of each area & the interpretation of multiple genres within them, while still allowing for simple but extremely fun gameplay mechanics.
The race parts, the ice skating, the huge gardens, the whole chapter that was essentially a snow-globe and the Wizard top down crawler-like stage were my favourites. Puzzling was not difficult but yet not too easy, gameplay was so much fun-yet not complicated, the story was well crafted, the boss stages were interesting, and all the little details and mini games scattered throughout the stages were a joy to explore. Hopefully these guys will be coming back with another similar game in the near future, because theres nothing quite like it!!!!

Itd be a 5/5 but Cutie the II's sacrifice was unnecessary and heart breaking lol

PS great soundtrack

Really loved the co-op in this game and all the different genres of sections they put in. The creativity is peak ngl. Had fun playing this with my cousin.

This game is nearly perfect but my bestie got scared of the water and now they won't play with me :(

joguei na época que lançou com um amigo, jogo quase perfeito

justice for cutie
(i sobbed for 3 hours)

why is there so much animal cruelty in this game!!

This game was really good in short bursts. I played it with my partner the best person on this earth so the experience was instantly better. The game has a lot of cute designs which I really enjoy and the gameplay was fluid with fun puzzles. Hugely recommend this one to anyone with a 2nd player to play this.

Well-thought local co-op game with a lot of references from other well known games. An interesting, progressive and dynamic gameplay.

50/50 chance you break up with your partner, but an absolutely fantastic co-op game definitely recommend anyone play with loved one or friend!

One of the best co-op games on the planet. We need more co-op games like this. The story has a lot of love and charm and is something I'm looking forward to replaying in the future.

Fui jogar esse jogo sem muita expectativa, pois o A Way Out foi bem elogiado na época também, e eu não gostei e larguei o jogo depois de pouco tempo por não gostar da jogabilidade. Se não fosse o mesmo esquema de tela dividida dinâmica (e um easter egg), eu diria que nada lembra o jogo anterior do estúdio.
É absurda a variedade de mecânicas nesse jogo e como eles equilibram bem a dificuldade do jogo pra ser algo acessível pra jogadores casuais e ainda manter o interesse de jogadores mais experientes. A variedade de gêneros entre as fases é grande o bastante pra você se impressionar mesmo sendo algo já comentado por todo mundo que elogia o jogo.

Por mais que eu tivesse vontade de queimar o livro falante e só pedir pro casal assinar o divórcio logo, a variedade de temas das fases ligadas à história me manteve interessado no desenrolar do enredo do jogo. E tenho certeza que o Conselho Tutelar levaria essa criança embora se vissem o que fizeram com a Elefanta...

Acho impossível não dar 5 estrelas pra um jogo com tanta variedade, onde mesmo as fases em que não gostei, são no mínimo boas e as melhores são excelentes.

Arkadaşla oynadık eğlenceliydi ama bir yerden sonra çok sıktı.

Pretty fun game with a lot of places to explore, with a lot of nice mini games

one of the best coop experiences, I liked a way out more but its good, would be better if bosses were harder and more skilled

this game actually fucking sucks please don't waste a second on it go literally stare at the wall with your so that's a better use of your romantic time

I've gotta get back to playing this game

Started this, great game to play w someone you hold dear lmfao. Good laughs all around so far

perfeito, papo reto.... sem nenhum defeito, a história é mto legal, e a gameplay é extremamente divertida puta que pariuuuu

Very few games can call themselves co-op-only experiences. That is where It Takes Two shines. There should be more games in this genre, so if you want this style of experience, It Takes Two is for you. While the gameplay is mostly fun, the overall experience's only consistency is its inconsistency.

The game starts off weak, but eventually gets fun when more inventive gameplay get introduced. Some chapters really shine, but the game overall lacks a consistent quality.

Along the way to the objective and fun boss fights, there are small things to distract you and play with your gaming partner. At some point, we ran past these and only pulled over for the 1v1 mini-games. For a game that encourages childlike exploration, it is insane to me that there are no collectables or secrets to be found in this.

The absolute low point of the game is its uninspired story and grating characters. The plot follows a troubled married couple and their daughter. Both parents get transformed into their daughter's toys she created and have to traverse a warped version of reality to reignite their love for one another. I personally felt the story and its ending should have been more mature, gradual, and risky; it ends exactly as you think it will. Also, the entire cast of characters are annoying and unlikable. The daughter's vocal performance can only be described as horrific. Why don't companies hire actual children to do voice work and write them appropriately?

Onto the star of the show: the Book of Love. This has got to be one of the worst, unfunny video game characters of all time. The developers tried to make him so annoying it would be funny, but they didn't do anything interesting or smart with his character. His existence is never explained and his inclusion is only to add edgy, tonal brevity to an otherwise boring cast of characters and uninteresting story.

The game drags on way too long. By the end, there is no explanation or magical reasoning for the adventure you just went on, and it is very unsatisfying. It has some great, fun chapters, although I wish it had more puzzles because the later chapters feel disjointed. It is also very replayable if you play as the other character the next time around. It's very accessible to gamers of all skill levels, so give it a shot if you can tolerate the lame story and grating characters. I suggest skipping the cutscenes in this one.

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I played this finally with my girlfriend, and i must say it is one of the best 2 player games i have played - whether that is because I'm playing with her or because it is simply a fun game filled with multiple different genres.

First off i think the designs overall are very memorable and i loved having different accessories based on each level! I think each area was unique to itself and all of the npcs within those area, whilst being similar in a way , are absolutely amazing and also lovely to interact with.

I thought the overall controls made alot of sense, even though i forgot about the sprint button multiple times.

The story was nice to play and it made sense. I wasn't TOO much of a fan with the ending, however it was needed to fully bring the game to an end.

The book. I was TERRIFIED of him for majority of the gameplay. No idea why, he was just scary 😭.

I loved all of the little animals and objects being the npcs, i thought that was really cool.

Personally some of the levels were slightly tedious and i would have gotten lost on what to do if i was playing alone, however that could just be because I'm stupid and wasn't fully paying attention at times.

Overall it was a really fun game and i highly recommend to any couples or just duos who want to play something together.

Maman j'ai du avoir beaucoup de patience pour jouer avec toi, peut-être j'ai pu être désagréable par moment mais ce week-end je l'oublierai jamais, je t'aime.

nes est nul jouez pas avec ce mec sinon le jeu est top

Não, esse jogo não venceu o GOTY de 2021 porque "Não tinha mais nada competindo"
O jogo é incrível, criativo e MUITO divertido!

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I love this game so much, it is so fun to play with someone a platform game, I played this with my girlfriend and we both were so involved in the story, the ending even got me tearing up. Recommend 100%

very awkward game to play with you ex... but it really makes you think