Reviews from

in the past

It's a pretty solid DLC! A good length, though I was hoping there would be a handful of side cases to do as well. Not entirely sure if Kaito could carry a whole game on his own, but I do like his story in this.

Masaharu Kaito I wasn’t familiar with your game

Did all side content. 8.5/10.

Ah, so this is where all of LJ's good story writing went. This is how you do an actually good Gaiden game. Not a ton to say, but it's just a great story for Kaito. Combat has all the same good stuff LJ has, and I like the improved Brawler and Beast. Def worth a play.

Incredible DLC that Rgg needs to copy in the future. The only negative I can think of is the lack of a new game plus feature.

They need to oil Kaito up for the next one.

I don't really get the hype with this one, it just feels like a better Majima Saga to me. While I like a lot about this expansion, the most important part of a Yakuza or Judgement game to me is the connection between the player and the world, and this DLC lacks in much to do outside of progress the story.

No side cases or activities, just story. And while that story is good, I just need more from a RGG game

For the first time in an RGG game, you get to wield the iconic power of the Kaito Sniff.

A primeira e única DLC de Yakuza e que pedrada, ein?
Transforma um coadjuvante legal em um protagonista de potencial absurdo, entregando uma história muito superior a do próprio jogo base, o que me deixa muito empolgado pro futuro de Judgment

Judgment always felt like Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios trying to bring a similar experience like they did in the classic era (1 until the first Kurohyou) to the Dragon Engine era and they succeeded while giving the series their own feels. And Kaito Files is they going 100% with this idea but in a small DLC and man they did this perfectly.

In a short DLC you have more of a very cool character in a very cool conflict that ends beautifully with one of the coolest reuse of assets. Is pure RGGS shit in a short way and man I hope the next Gaiden is more like this.

It's.. fine.

Kaito gets a mini campaign to himself along with a more proper backstory. It's nothing too special, but I weirdly found it a bit more enjoyable than Lost Judgment's main story. Maybe it's just cause Kaito himself is just a really enjoyable character. That being said, the story is annoyingly predictable (though maybe I'm just too familiar with RGG's writing style at this point).

As for the actual combat, I'm not a fan of how Kaito plays. He gets tweaked versions of Kiryu's Yakuza 0 Brawler and Beast styles that just feel.. a bit strange to me. Not sure what it is, but they just feel inexplicably off to me in the way they were ported to the Dragon Engine. I wouldn't go so far as to say they're flat out bad, but I did often find myself wishing I was just playing Yakuza 0 instead.

I don't think that the $30 they ask for is worth it at all for what you actually end up getting, but I think it's a fine enough DLC if you can get it at a discount.

Majima saga só que feito direito deixando brawler e beast style melhor do que nunca além de ser o unico final feliz nessa franquia (eu acho), mas a longbattle final desse jogo é muito ruim pqp

Most peak and memorable DLC I have ever played. One of the most satisfying endings, with such an amazing story, plot, soundtrack and characters.