Reviews from

in the past

Vastly improved from EP I in a lot of ways but the finished product doesn't feel like it's enough due to the 4 Zones structure, shame EP III got cancelled cause i could see how that would greatly improve over this one too and be decent while this one is Okay
The art design is really beautiful and the backgrounds too and that's definitely the strongest part of this game

Widać, że ekipa była gotów uczyć się na błędach. Na minus brak większej kreatywności poza pierwszą zoną.

Going from dogshit prequel to such a bland sequel is such a nothing praise it's honestly not even funny.

Like yes it's better the visual doesn't look like they were made out of clay anymore and the movement felt "normal" this time but do i have to lower my standard for games especially Sonic games just to say "it's really good man i can't believe it!" it being better than Episode I while still have a lot of same faults or even new one(bosses take too long and zones left me displeased),could you really call that a praise?I don't know.

Sonic 4 Episode II definitely takes lesson from what was wrong with Episode I but it didn't really fix itself or gave itself even a snippets of it's identity ended up just overall product being whole lot of nothing and bland.

Massive improvement over Episode I.

it's okayish at best, better than episode 1 but that's not a huge accomplishment

Digamos que mejora "algo" comparado al anterior pero las físicas y el diseño de niveles siguen dejando mucho que desear.

it really isnt better then episode 1 it has the same problems with no new strengths i would say definitely stay away like i said with episode one play literally any other sonic game even 06 is better then this garbage

the fact a moth infestation hit my bedroom as i was playing this game was no coincidence
this is even worse than episode 1
there is no flow at all you keep having to pause the game for 2 full seconds
not to mention the 6 minute auto scroller at the end
the only area this game improves on the first is the music and visuals
everything else is worse
the level design is worse
the physics are still ass
and the bosses are worse
fuck this game
fuck everything it stands for
i cant accurately describe with words how much i fucking hate this game
fuck it

It's definitely a step up from episode 1 but not by a great deal. Playing this on my phone definitely helped since it didn't feel like I was playing a game that's meant to be the sequel to sonic 3, but ultimately it's still a very meh game. At least the music is slightly better this time.

yo look theres tails RIGHT THERE

better than episode 1 but it's still far and away the worst actual experience ive had with a sonic game to date. it SOMEHOW gets worse the further you play, like it's telling you NOT to play it

A much better game compared to Episode 1 even though the standards weren't set to high. The nice visuals and gameplay make it enjoyable despite being nothing like the classics.

I guess this was marginally better than Episode 1. At least I was able to convince myself to play through it as a kid whereas I simply abandoned the other game at the same time.

The game pretty much suffers the same problem as the previous game just with controls being slightly better. It is still, however, lazy, unimaginative and trying to milk nostalgia bucks.

At least Sonic Team learnt from Valve and never released Episode 3. The series should end here and now. They ran over like 5 people on the sidewalk already with with this schloop Sonic 4 but at least they braked and didn't do a hit and run on us.

Remember ladies and gentlemen, this game has nothing to do with the classic games and you should never play it.

dont let them convince you this game is good and i say this as someone who grew up with this garbage