Reviews from

in the past

I got really excited to try this one, mostly becuase I know about the coolness of Strider Hiryu in the vs series and how beloved strider 2 is

... too bad the first game is not exactly that

DOn't get me wrong, it makes a really amazing first impression: controlling strider in the first levels feels amazing: the movement, the animations, the ear-breaking sound design, the speed of the sword slashes... since the beginning Strider feels deisgned likme a rushdown fighter, with amazing movement and climbing option but lower health.

Honestly pretty fun to control either to decimate the enemies or to just skip the levels.
The main problem with this game stands for the rest of it. The levels design quickly begine to just became incredibly frustrating, even by playing it with save states: it's like the devs wanted to showcase how powerful the hardware was so they just went "now look at the 20+ a**holes that we are throwing at you, each one with a different projectile you can't block with you tiny hitbox". Add to this that they ask you to proceed while airships are burning and that you life is always low and you find yourself with a lot of stress all the time

Not to mention that this game has straight up the worst boss design I have ever seen: the nuclear reactor. a giant ball that if you get close enough immediately grabs you and put you into its gravitational pull. For what I tried and read online there is legit no way to escape this, and you automatically take damage.... the only way to easily beat it is to cheese the victory by standing oin one specific part of it arena and slowly hitting it.... good luck with that because you also have a time to worry about.
The funny thing about this boss is that you gotta fight it twice. The dinosaur cyborg is also really awful.

Honestly this game could have been so much cooler if the devs weren't smoking weed while designing the last levels.... I heard the sequel is better tho, so maybe in the future I'll give it a shot

Yes!!! I love games that undermine their own mechanics through shitty terrible awful level design!!! Go girl, give us nothing!!! Fr tho, I played this so I could unlock the waterfall stage in strider 2 on PS1 and ig I fucked up because I cannot access it. Oh well. Music was ok and rapid slashing was satisfying but man do I hate this games bullshit Arcade trappings.

One of the worst games I’ve ever played. Every minute of this was torture.

Incrivelmente acho esse jogo muito injusto, mas adoro a estética dele e um pouco do conceito clichezão de um ninja indo derrotar um vilão extremamente maligno que quer criar uma nova raça, não sei pq, pois não liguei muito para história
3 estrelas acho está de bom tamanho.
O game é um pouco limitado e bem exagerado em sua dificuldade, mas criou um personagem memorável e jogar com ele é interessante.