Reviews from

in the past

It's better than Super Scope 6... but is still one of the most boring games I've ever played.

There's nothing wrong with Yoshi's Safari, it just felt all the same. There are 12 stages and they each play almost identically with a boss at the end. The bosses were unique visually, but they all boil down to "shoot where the bullets are coming from". After the 5th stage, I was honestly tuning out and wishing I had any other game plugged in. It was borderline mind-numbingly easy.

Anyways, this time I set up the super scope differently and my accuracy was much better; not that it mattered much with the turbo function but oh well. I had a line on the left quarter of the screen where it didnt pick up at all, but it felt better than my previous experience with the hardware!

Yoshi's Safari has an 'extra quest' after beating the game. I dont know if it's harder or if the levels are different, but I dont want to play it either way. It's unlocked via button combo, so if it's harder then I'd probably recommend that as the way to play this game since the normal way chugged.

I'm not sure if I want to continue playing the rest of the super scope library, but it was fun to mess with it after digging it out of storage!