Reviews from

in the past

decent for goofing around

great BR in a great set of lore absolutely destroyed by the greedy higher-ups at a certain two-letter publisher (EA), the game has little to no soul left, and is a shell of what it could've been

Fun at first but then got boring

I like this game But the main reason why i retired is because Is it takes flipping 60Gb

I'm not bad at video games, this game just sucks. It can't be my fault.

Receitinha de pão da gameplay do titanfall mas em um battle royale

No começo esse jogo era maravilhoso, hoje em dia já é meio broxante jogar

Apex was great in that first year and I played a ton of it but like other games in the genre I fell out of it and haven't touched it since. Please just make Titanfall 3 Respawn

so i guess no ones straight now huh

mein onkel und mein cousin haben mich mies gethird partied