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in the past

Third time trying out this game I think? First time was about nine years ago and then second time was last year. I stopped after the mission 'Proper Defences'.

I don't really like the idea of having games on my profile that are shelved or abandoned unless I put a good chunk of time into them and have enough to say. But I try out a lot of games and I tend to keep coming back to the ones I can't get on with, forgetting why I dropped them in the first place. So while I may not like it, I think I should really start doing it more often as it will be useful and so far I've only done it once for Persona 3 Reload.

For a while I was struggling to see much in the way of positives with this game. Combat did not feel good, I think its clear its trying to replicate the combat from the Arkham games but those games feel satisfying and snappy, this just felt awkward and like buttons needed to be pressed twice at times to even do anything. Free running or parkour is also pretty bad as holding ZR is both run and also climb, so if I was trying to get Edward to get through an area quickly, half the time he would start attaching himself to various buildings or springing off of something when I wouldn't want him to. This seemed to be a particular issue in Havana as it is a pretty cramped place which may have been the point as the next area Nassau was a lot more open and less of a pain to move through, but I think its a bit too annoying and not worth the game feeling better as it goes along.

Stealth is mixed for me, when its the missions where you can hide and move around in the bushes getting closer to your objective, its actually pretty good. However, there's also stealth with these small areas in which you have a circle of buildings surrounding this small open area, the problem I had was that, because there are usually a couple of guards patrolling the roof, they're quite spaced out and it felt like I could maybe stealthily kill one of them before another one on a rooftop across from me would spot me and all of a sudden any attempt at stealth would be gone. There's not even a ranged stealth weapon to begin with, I've seen that you eventually get a blow pipe which seems to be what I'm talking about but for a while all you have is a pretty loud gun, this feels really weird for what is essentially a stealth game.

The rest of the on-land stuff isn't terrible but not great either, tailing people seems to be a pretty popular thing for this game and as someone who doesn't really like how a fair few newer games seem to be doing the walk and talk in place of a cutscene shit, I wasn't exactly a fan of it in this game. I got pretty excited at one point when I saw I could play a game of draughts but then this turned out to be a bust when it felt like both me and my opponent were trying to get me to win, there may be more difficult games as the game goes on but it was so insultingly easy that I didn't care anymore. I did really like that there were cats in the game though that you could interact with, they were cute.

But then there's the main draw of the game and that's being a pirate with your own ship, the concept is kind of interesting to me even if it doesn't exactly feel like an Assassin's Creed game most of the time when you're on a ship (there is one exception to this and I'll get to it). Unfortunately though, I don't like the ship gameplay, moving the ship is so slow whether that's getting anywhere or just rotating it, I think that it provides some realism as ships are so big that of course it makes sense for them to feel like this, its just that I don't really care and would rather the game sacrifice realism for enjoyable gameplay, but I get that this is the developers' preference and its just not for me. Ship combat isn't too bad but it is repetitive, shoot another ship, hold X down until you can fire a cannon or whatever and then shoot that ship again and then they die. There is the option to board the ship which can be kind of fun, but the main missions required me to do it like four times all pretty close to each other, so it quickly became boring. The sea shanties that the pirates can sing is a neat addition but honestly I really don't like them and just find them straight up annoying so I turned the feature off in the options after like two or three songs (the fact I can turn it off though is much appreciated).

Where the game basically fully lost me though and that instance of the ship gameplay incorporating standard AC gameplay is being on your ship and tailing another ship, this is both fucking hilariously absurd but also really boring. I know other games have you tail a car while in a car yourself but that at least feels like it makes sense, a ship tailing another ship is just weird to me. But as I stated it is really boring because tailing missions are already kind of dull but doing one where you're controlling a ship as well is so much worse as you're either not doing anything as you don't have to or you're awkwardly manoeuvring around other ships that just happen to be there. The thing is, the mission I stopped after was the second time a mission made me do this. The game doesn't really repeat itself much admittedly as it has a variety of things you can do for missions, the problem is none of it feels good or fun.

As for the story, I didn't encounter much but what I did was just boring. I thought I might struggle a bit as I hadn't played enough of the preceding games, but outside of not knowing what was only first being brought up in this game or was a part of the ongoing story and therefore was in the older games, I found it simple enough to follow. Edward is a prick, which makes sense considering that he's a pirate but I thought that he would be at least a little likeable which he wasn't, his motivation is decent though I guess. I think the only characters I even remotely liked were Stede and Adéwalé, everyone else was boring as shit.

I think its not a good idea for me to try and properly play this game, instead I can see it working as a game I can just dick about in and hunt for collectibles or whatever. I don't think its a bad game or anything, but I feel like if I pushed through it I would eventually begin to really dislike it and I'd rather not do that.

Nome: Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag
Plataforma: Xbox
Data: 27 Maio 2024
Horas Aproximadas: 80 Horas
Dificuldade: ☐ Muito Fácil | ☐ Fácil | ☑ Normal | ☐ Difícil | ☐ Muito Difícil

L'ambiance, l'histoire, la musique : tout y est. J'ai adoré et je ne trouve pas de choses à redire (peut-être les missions dans les champs un peu redondantes mais sinon rien).

ubislop still better than sloporant

The main story missions: boring trailing missions or other uninspired AC stuff.

Sailing around being a pirate: Phenomenal!

I never used fast travel, simply because just sailing around with your crew robbing imperial powers is so just so much fun.

What DO you do with a drunken sailor?

A great game until you meet the Ubisoft train of quantity over quality. The immense amount of crap content is horrific. So I finally stopped playing when I got bored. At that point the story was well forgotten and gave me no reason to go on

(Review from 2020) One of the better Assassin’s Creeds of this era of the series. Sailing is great, naval battle controls are super intuitive. The story is decent, the movement is not too bad. There’s a couple sequences that are a bit unclear but you get used to them. The multiplayer is very good for this series too, I remembered it fondly from playing the Wii U version.

This game would've been just as good as it's predecessor in my opinion if it was actually an Assassin's Creed game within it's story and not "Edward Kenway does pirate shit for 20+ hours and ignores the brotherhood for half the length of the game"


Best ac game I have played so far

Denso, mucha cosa en el mapa para agarrar, alejas el mapa y es gigante, te abruma. Encima el barco es lento, imagina hacer todo el contenido del mapa!, debe llevar años. La historia me atrapo un poco al inicio, después se volvió aburrida, es seguir los robos de los amiguitos del protagonista, que personalmente no me simpatizan, una lastima que no sea taaan buen juego como la mayoría dice.

Лучшей адвенчуры я еще не играл

Dünya da gelmiş geçmiş en iyi korsan oyunu

Its black flag, if you don’t like black flag you shouldn’t voice any of your opinions ever

Easily the best assassin's creed game. 2 is beloved mainly for the story and not the gameplay. While this game starts off with the classic assassins creed bullshit of long as expo that no one cares about with trailing missions that are boring as FUCK. Once you get passed all that tho you have an amazing game on your hands. Combat is pretty much copy pasted from the last games, but what really sets this game apart is the SAILING.

Being a pirate in this game feels fucking GOOD. Destroying other ships feels fucking GOOD. Exploring islands with your ship feels fucking GOOD. Having sea shanties played while you travel around feels fucking GOOD. It actually feels worthwhile to invest upgrades into your ship, which requires you to do stuff like hunt animals, artifacts, and other shit if you want to max your ship and character. With the release of skull and bones, it's clear we're not getting another game like this so appreciate it for what it is.