Reviews from

in the past

This is my favourite AC game in the franchise. Still a bit frustrating at times, but overall an immersive and entertaining game. Great soundtrack too.

The multiplayer was a big step down from AC: Brotherhood though, how could they mess it up so badly?

Close to ac2 so much so that I wouldn't say one is better then the other.

Parkour is easily the best out of the trilogy, the hook blade is awesome. The opening is really cool, and the final cutscene is great.

The middle of the game kinda drags on, the story only gets good at the beginning and end, and bomb crafting was useless.

Glad I finally played these games, though I think the only one I'll actually replay is brotherhood. Might have to read the novels sometime.

A super solid Assassin's Creed title, and one that has started to grow on me quite a bit. It wraps up the story of Ezio quite nicely and provides a tighter, shorter game that doesn't overstay its welcome at any point.

The change of setting to Constantinople/Istanbul is brilliant and provides a nice change of scenery and culture that keeps things fresh. I definitely think that this is the most 'cinematic' of the Ezio games: the soundtrack is a mix of the classic AC stuff by Jesper Kyd and sweeping orchestral music by Lorne Balfe, the pacing and writing feels more matured in comparison to the previous games, and there are some setpiece sequences that definitely set it apart from other AC games.

Gameplay-wise, it is largely the same as previous games with just a few additions: the hookblade and ziplines which make traversal faster and easier, a tower defence minigame that a lot of people seem to hate (I didn't mind it too much, but I only ever had to play the tutorial mission), some cool new dynamic events that happen randomly (such as templar stalkers sneaking up on you when you least expect it), a kind of pointless bomb system which can be ignored entirely, and a total shift to first-person platforming gameplay for the modern day story side of things. One random thing I also want to mention is that there are a bunch of new kill animations for Ezio, and a lot of them totally don't fit the tone of the game because of how ultra violent and cartoonish they are lol

Unfortunately, it's a bit of a wreck when it comes to performance. My game crashed about 7 times, and it was linked to some CPU core issue. There was also some crazy flickering when I started playing that got solved by deleting some file in the game folder. I also had to deal with quite a bit of frame stutters throughout my playthrough, but it wasn't bad enough to discourage me from playing this otherwise great game.

I really wish they stuck the landing with Ezio but while the story is fucking incredible, everything else seemed like a step down.

Except the soundtrack, that shit is ethereal. Lorne Balfe cooked.

#5 Video Game
Ezio Auditore Da Firenze: #1 Video Game Character

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