Reviews from

in the past

Завершающая часть, посвящённая Эцио Аудиторе да Фиренце. Весьма достойный финал истории. Разительных отличий от Brotherhood нет, но играть так же приятно. Советую!

gostei do jogo, termina com um final bom.

o pior da trilogia do ezio mas ainda é bom, eu joguei os 3 em sequencia entao talvez isso tenha impactado na esperiencia

AC Revelations:

Traz uma conclusão perfeita para ezio
Gameplay muito boa
História muito boa com personagens cativantes
Ambientação exceptional

Demasiado similiar ao seu antecessor
Minigame de tower defense é um lixo
Poucas novidades

Not as strong as the other AC2 era games, definitely a weaker entry.

while it does lack the summer-action-comedy charm of the previous two, and the assassin's creed itself is shat over, and desmond's new face looks really odd, and the actual plot itself is like alright (i feel the same way about the previous two games though), i FUCKING love exploring istanbul, i FUCKING love dilf ezio, i FUCKING love the hookblade, and i FUCKING love that this game's about ezio and altair's fates specifically. (god that scene is so fucking cool).

i do wish i had more incentive to using the other bombs, instead of the same load-out each time, i could feel the assassin's creed fatigue setting in, and there's a bunch of little nitpicks here and there, but every time i think about the "assassin's creed theme" that gets used so often throughout, or of literally every scene with altair, or about yusuf or zofia, or how well-designed istanbul is for parkour, or how wonderfully colorful but still subtle the game's art design is, i just can't help but overlook the issues i do have. i get taken back to the specific time i played the game in. the writing has issues, but god it's so full of emotion man. if only things didn't go to shit after this...

Bem tudo que começa um dia tem que acabar

Not as good as 2 or Brotherhood, but not as bad as Syndicate or Odyssey. I just wish it didn't end in such a bullshit cliffhanger.

Not as good as AC 2 and Brotherhood, but still great ending for Ezios story