Reviews from

in the past

Great art direction. Interesting character design, a nice cel shading style and overall beautiful aesthetics.
The gameplay is a little formulaic, basically fighting until the rage bar fills up, pressing R2 and watching something cool. But it's something really REALLY cool, very exaggerated and over the top, I played the whole time with a smile on my face. The music is really cool and really highlights the emotion of the moment.
It has a lot of QTE but I haven't found one that gives instant death when missed. Either you take a little damage or you get a slightly lower ranking at the end of the mission.

The game has 18 missions, 6 for each arc. The last one has an extra scene when completing 5 missions with S-ranked or completing 50 missions on any difficulty. I had 2 when I finished the game, so I went back and did the first 3 missions again and got the requirements. I did the mission again and saw the scene, which ends with a fucking cliffhanger.

Capcom in its darkest period put the true ending through DLC. The arc is called Nirvana and has 4 missions, I would say "Nevermind" but it's the best part of the game. I couldn't put the game down until I saw the end and I'm satisfied.
Another DLC is a crossover with Street Fighter 4. One fight against Ryu and another against Akuma. One round like a tradicional fighting game and another like the rest. I defeated Akuma the first time Oni mid tier was no work, but against Ryu that came first gave me a lot of trouble.

The worst part for me was the performance, at times the frame rate dropped a lot and the input lag is so much that I had to advance the time in almost a second to get the perfect QTE. There is no way to calibrate this like in Guitar Hero.

Even with some problems, I really liked it. It's the best Berserk game to date. I imagine Guts rubbing Griffith's face against the walls of Falconia like that. Too bad we'll never see it.
I miss Kentaro Miura. =(

Pura furia. Pura ira. Puro juegazo

This is a spectacle fighter where there's a huge focus on SPECTACLE.

Problem is, the focus is so intense in that department that they have nothing else to show for it. Audio design is a clustefuck, gameplay is clunky and boring, performance is terrible, story is nonsensical, dialogue is unnatural... But it does manage to make something so absurd that it can be entertaining.
It's not a good game and not one I'd recommend, but I can't say I don't understand why it made an impression of most people that played.

Kiziyla yaptigi konusmada cidden agladim..

Pure, unadulterated, Badassery.
One of my top ten games of all time.

Asura's Wrath me fez rir
Asura's Wrath me fez chorar
Um jogo que em essência é básico, nada extraordinário mas esse básico é feito de forma extraordinária, eu sempre amei QTEs, e um jogo cheio deles e com impacto, seguindo fluxo da cena e requirindo reflexo além de extenuar da mesma forma que o personagem se cansa simplesmente já vale muito, mas meticulosamente temos uma boa história de deuses extremamente humanos e o reflexo da nossa luta constante como ser humano contra as adversidades, temos lutas fantásticas, carregadas pela trilha sonora do querido Chikayo Fukuda e até Antonín Leopold Dvořák com o embate contra Argus na lua ao som da Nona Sinfonia do Novo Mundo
A voz angelical da Tomoyo Mitani carrega demais as cenas mais poderosas e catartícas com o Trembling Heart
TODO o episódio Palavras de Sabedoria, com as interações, o buda gigante escorregando, você tomando um tapa por tentar apalpar peitos, é kino
Você começa destruindo naves, luta contra budas gigantes, contra budas com RPGs, contra mobs em uma roda, vê rider kick pra krl, luta contra seu mestre na lua com uma espada que estica, com seres enormes que explodem só na base da porrada, com o centro da terra e até mais(mas esse mas eu só vou ver quando comprar a DLC), é the coolest shit ever na veia
E não para por aí, os QTEs, sessões de combate livre e batalhas de bosses são pontuadas pelo sistema de notas tradicionais(D,C,B,A,S), e além de liberar CGs, Artes Conceituais e vídeos, você libera novas HUds, que a primeira vista pode ser só cosmético mas na real te dá vantagem, é o elemento meta de progressão sem esquecer que Asura's Wrath nada mais é que um anime jogavel, e sem dúvidas, um dos melhores