Reviews from

in the past

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Real gaming

awesome game, still havent got to 900

Hes just a lil guy... But if the internet is out how am I writing this review?

haet this gaem bc goglle prophits frome isnotreal

This is such a meme ...

The only memories I have from this game is me and my mates sitting in I don't know which course, computer science probably, and trying to beat each other's high scores. Probably the best thing to do if your Wifi's dead and you're not really into reading. Other than that I dunno. Maybe they should rerelease this game to add a PvE campaign and a skill tree and open world. Maybe then I'll revisit it.

10/10 for funny dino game hihi

You are here for me when my internet isn't.

Probably the best game of all time

Came here for no internet! Was not disappointed !

The most perfect game ever made with gameplay that completely nails everything video games were made for this is what the invention of video games was leading up to. The pinnacle of gaming that just can't be topped. A true magnum opus.

Oh no... the internet is out... what should i do...