Reviews from

in the past

i wish i could give this a higher rating. i respect and appreciate what its done for gaming but i its just feels too ridged and repetitive. the world is cool but the lore is so hard to follow. i wish the sentiment of "first half is better than second half" wasnt true, but it sadly is. Anor Lando and Ornstein and Smough are worth the effort of getting to though. i will probably complete this game at some point, but just shelving it for now.

eu gostei muito do começo e do meio, mas lá pro fim fica +/- e a bed of chaos é um boss horrível

Insane 1st entry that just nails its atmosphere, story, and gameplay with insane polish. My favorite aspect really is its open metroidvania like world that feels like it’s really alive and all interconnected.

gives me a fucking headache man...controlling your character properly can get hard in this game's endless gimmicky areas with lots of tight spaces where it seemed like even the developers knew they were bad, not to mention the camera feels like it's fighting the environments and having to backtrack through everything in the first half of the game whenever you wanna get something done in another area is such a chore, and even when you do get the lordvessel it's awfully selective in which bonfires you're allowed to teleport to, all of this combined with a very lackluster boss roster with only a few highlights where almost every single one of them has a bad runback and it was getting really hard to enjoy even the good parts of this butt-ugly game

Why yes, i do indeed praise the sun. How could you tell?

Not as good as Original cuz some of the changes are... You know... Buuuut they fixed some minor things. Pretty good.

The game that started it all, my third encounter with souls games. An insane foundation that they expanded upon.