Reviews from

in the past

Played it 3 Times.

Sneaky boy with low chaos.
And Murder Gürl once with powers and once with pure steal and flesh.

Loved every second of it!
The world, athmosphere and gameplay are top notch!

the peak of stealth games, you have two options at the beginning. to play as corvo, or emily and they both vary in game play/both can choose not to use powers. i highly recommend playing through #1, the DLC, and #2. you will not be disappointed if you're a fan of stealth and sword swinging.

I played it for several hours but, apart from several new superpowers and a new UI, I couldn't see any improvements over the first game. The stealth mechanic became kind of BS. The swordswinging is still terrible. And for some reason, the game just feels boring after all.

Not good as its prequel but if you're hungry to universe like I was, you may play.