Reviews from

in the past

Só tenho uma coisa a dizer, esse jogo é SUBESTIMADO.

it wasn't as bad as people ought it to be, it's just alright but not horrible and cringe as people call it

The gameplay itself is okay, its just the story is laughably bad without being at all aware of it. People mostly hated it because of that, and how it dared to claim to be DMC's replacement after a long time of waiting for a proper sequel. If it wasn't tied to the DMC name for no reason, it would've been seen as mid.

Gets too much hate. It's stupid, but funny stupid.

great gameplay ass story and horrendous controls

It's weird that people are calling it the "Black sheep of the franchise", which makes it seem like this is even remotely comparable to the previous games or the entire series as a whole.

this game has hatred not only for the Devil May Cry series, but to action games entirely, it loathes the very idea of an action game, choosing the most boring, sauceless and soulless combat i have ever interacted with.

I don't know who to blame honestly:
The capcom execs who believed this will somehow generate more fans in the west
or Ninja Theory for their horrible design choices.

This game isn't underrated or a hidden gem, it's plain and simple bad.

But if anything its a nice time capsule of 2010-2015 edge.

This is the only dmc game i have played i know the other ones better but i really enjoyed it still listening the never surrender song :D