Reviews from

in the past

Wow! A Family Guy game! It must be so cool, but it's a game that tries to capitalise on the fame of The Simpsons Hit & Run, only a thousand times worse.

Firstly, the character designs are beautiful, except for Stewie's head. In this sense, the game's backgrounds are beautiful and well-characterised, as well as having references throughout or the appearance of iconic characters from the series.

In the game you only control 3 characters from the series, Peter Griffin, who's only beat 'em up stages are average because they're repeated so many times, Stewie's stages are shot up and sometimes there are parts where you have to "surf" (I don't know what a good word is for these moments) and you have to dodge things and lastly you have Brian's stealth stages which are the worst because they're the most boring and the least innovative and if anyone sees you it's game over. I find it strange that in the game everyone in the family is killed, but you use these 3 characters repeatedly.

Story-wise, the game is like a bad episode of Family Guy, it literally has "cut aways", which is a creative and ingenious idea, however many of these minigames seem to have been made with great laziness, literally there are some that you don't have to click on anything and others that you just have to click on a button, if you win the mini game, you can get more bolts to upgrade Stewie's gun, food for Peter and be invisible for a while in Brian's phases. In addition to Peter's first or second phase (I can't remember), there's a Rhythm game that's so fucking hard, I had to write it down on a piece of paper to get through it. In addition to Peter's phases, he becomes an Afro-descendant (which has already happened in the series), a prostitute and a robot.

Stewie's gameplay consists of firing shots and picking up bolts to upgrade his weapon, as well as having a grappel gun to reach high places, although you can't use it on specific rings, and also the mind control gun, which is an interesting idea but is only used three times! Peter's gameplay is punching, kicking and head-butting and specials that you can only get by consuming a lot of food. Finally, Brian's gameplay is running, crouching and finding a disguise.

This game has a few bugs, for example in one of Stewie's final stages it's literally possible not to take damage from the enemies, which is to stand behind the enemy cloning machine and destroy it, which takes the fun out of it. As well as going round and round at the checpoint there are chances of seeing the character in a T pose or the npcs, which is funny (this only happened to me with Peter).

The game's soundtracks are ok, but I can't remember any of them, just the one when you enter the main menu.

Generally, the game is interesting but it's very boring and the final stage of the game is a spectacular iconic reference to the series, but it doesn't save the game.