Reviews from

in the past

Enfim, uma das maiores pendências da minha vida se esvai, deixando pra trás um sentimento de arrependimento por nunca ter mergulhado nesse universo antes.

Desde a ascensão do sub-gênero dos "metroidvania", acredito que nada se compara ao nível absoluto de Hollow Knight. Não se trata apenas de uma experiência definitiva, se trata de uma experiência incomparável a qualquer outro similar.

Hollow Knight está no panteão de colossos dentre os maiores e melhores jogos independentes da história.

Muito me fascina o quanto traços de Dark Souls estão presentes por aqui, e não falo da dificuldade, mesmo que seja um ponto muito abordado no jogo.

A forma como cada cenário conta uma história à sua maneira, de um modo sutil e extremamente imersivo, nos ambientando em um universo tomado pela melancolia, fadado a ceder a uma infecção que se alastra cada vez mais, mas que em contraponto nos apresenta pequenas fagulhas de esperança fixadas a personagens únicos e inesquecíveis.

Há muitas memórias que eu gostaria de apagar, apenas para poder reviver todas elas pela primeira vez. Como quando chegamos na Cidade das Lágrimas pela primeira vez, viajamos pelos túneis com o Velho Besouro ou até mesmo quando enfrentamos os Lordes Louva-a-Deus, uma das lutas mais satisfatórias que já experienciei.

Hollow Knight caminha para se tornar um confort game pessoal, e acredito que minha passagem por esse universo ainda esteja distante de um fim.

This review contains spoilers

I don't like not into edgy sadness, bugs arent that interesting to me and lord knows im impatient.

and yet I love this game. I saw it on gamepass after playing the prime trilogy and i thought a metroidvania huh.

and then i 114% completed it over the course of a week, every free moment dedicated to this Masterpiece.

It all clicked with the 2 am on a saturday when i had exausted all available upgrades and died 100 times i realised "the combats like a dance..."

and it all just clicked in a way a game hasnt ever clicked with me.

i understood what it wanted of me and what i hadnt been giving it.

Lovely game

Milktong isnt real <3

brilliant game with tons of content and great combat and bosses

tu fica perdido toda hora toma no cu


On the surface, Hollow Knight's premise is simple. A Metroidvania souls-like set in the hauntingly beautiful world of Hallownest, one which the player character - an unnamed knight hailing from a distant land - is tasked with exploring. Yet when put into practice Hollow Knight becomes so much more than that, as the sprawling in-game world and its various mysteries gradually unfold before the player.

For me, this game has it all. Engaging - yet it must be said, challenging - combat, a great sense of exploration, intriguing lore, tightly-designed bosses, secrets absolutely everywhere, a timeless art style and an absolutely gorgeous soundtrack.

Weirdly, I picked up this game a couple of times previously, played a few hours and then just bounced off of it. But this time I stuck with it and I am so glad I did.

To say too much about this game would genuinely ruin the experience, seriously just pick it up and play, you won't regret it.

One of, if not the best, games I have ever played - and I've been gaming for 20+ years. And it was only made by an incredibly small studio to boot.

A masterpiece in every sense of the word.

One of the true contenders for the most a video game has ever been

how the fuck do they sell this for $15 when they've got more going on in this game than they do in $70 ones

genuinely i hope the developer didn't screw themselves over selling the game at this price because holy shit i think this should've been like $40 minimum

i stopped playing right before defeating the last boss because i didn't want the game to end. up to this day it's still one of my favorite games and if silksong ever drops i may think about finishing the main game. this game has so much depth and meaning, the gameplay is ridiculously fun and i enjoyed every second i spent playing it.