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in the past


This game is a rarety in modern times, what do you mean the one game that won GOTY 2021 is a co-op stylized adventure that tells a very good and competent story about a couple reigniting their love for each other?

Now i do feel that the first 3 to 4 hours of the game drag a little bit until it actualy starts advancing the story foward, and that the game is so scripted in what the players must do that exists zero creativity in how to pass each puzzle, but this are some minor issues that aren't even issues, the game exceeds in it's proposal and was very fun from beggining to end.

reconstruindo casamentos, acabando com amizades.

cara isso aqui é videogame 2 na sua forma mais pura

de fato a melhor experiência q tu pode ter jogando coop com o seu amiguinho ou com o mozão

it was cool but than it got really boring

alto juego, re divertido :3
me pongo un poco triste recordando este juego igual :'(

Peguei pra jogar totalmente descompromissado e simplesmente não consegui parar de jogar, muito divertido e a melhor coisa do mundo é jogar com seu amigo isso aqui

fun and beautiful but every character is frustratingly annoying, and not in an entertaining way

Я ее проходил эту игру с человеком из интернета, и она поначалу зашла, но по мере прохождения ничего новго не появлялось, и геймплей игры быстро наскучил. Сюжет игры сплошная копипаста, создаются назойливое ощущение дежавю. Персонажи приятные,, но им не хватает изюминки, они не получились живыми. Да, игра долгая, красивая со множеством катсцен, чувствуется ее огромный бюджет и старание художников, но на красивой обложке преимущества игры заканчиваются. Геймплей однообразен, сюжет не нов, персонажи не интересны.

Good game to play with a good friend

Played this with an non gamer ex around the time of release. Great experience and last I know got her into gaming

wish my lovely wife had the attention span to finish it but i love her and i love this

If you are in a relationship, you have to play this title. It is so fun in its always changing level and gameplay design and it always introduces new ideas without being too overly convoluted. It truly makes you feel like you need your other player to progress these levels and we had such a good time playing through this title hoping it would never end. Much applause to the studio behind this title, it is a great experience for both nongamers and experienced veterans alike.

can either be a breeze or a stress fest depending on who u play with

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Great game that you get to play as a pair. I love the idea that the game starts off dull with little colour and by the end, you are on a rainbow scenery, symbolising the love that has grown between the couple that was diminishing from the beginning. It is only a 4/5 rather than a 5, because it does get a bit long after a while and a bit repetitive. The game could have been a bit shorter. Overall, a great game!

Um jogo muito lindo e emocionante, é realmente maravilhoso quando um jogo co-op é bem feito e pensado para esse modo.

(Tirei meia estrela pelos danos causados ao meu relacionamento.)

Played this with my buddy Maanav

это мы с гелом прошли с удовольствием вроде как, до сих пор вспоминаем иногда... и еще тикток недавно был про игру эту неплохой... добрая игра очень

El mejor juego de 2 jugadores co-op que ha existido.

jogo top pra jogar com a namorada

An incredible co-op game filled with a new ideas at every corner. An absolute blast that kept me and my buddy laughing all the way through. He did hobble his way through a couple times though, and I had to pick up the slack. 100% recommend.

Лучшая игра Hazelight Studios на данный момент. Юсеф Фарес показал, какими могут быть игры. На вопрос о том, сколько разнообразных продуманных механик он хочет в своей игре, он ответил просто: "Да". И сделал конфетку.

Я прошёл дважды It Takes Two с четырьмя разными людьми, и это было великолепно! И пусть ни с кем из них больше я не знаюсь, опыт мы получили отличный. История вышла душещипательной, графика — отменной, геймплей — немыслимым. Подобный проект действительно заставляет задуматься о своих взглядах на жизнь и отношению к людям, в особенности членам своей семьи. Я бы такое — шутки в сторону — рекомендовал парам, испытывающим проблемы в отношениях.
Игра шедевральна. Ждём следующий проект талантливых ребят!