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As mecânicas apresentadas nesse remake de um clássico que é Mafia são incríveis; elas foram completamente melhoradas — apesar das corridas ainda serem o inferno na terra — e caprichadas. Os gráficos deste remake são algo incrível também, embora não sejam muito diferentes do que nos é apresentado em Mafia 3. Porém, aqui, ao reviver um clássico dessa forma, as coisas ganham outras proporções.

Entretanto, o que faz deste remake incrível é poder ver novamente a brilhante história de Mafia com novas cenas, novas interações com certos personagens. As referências a diversos temas da cultura presentes nesse jogo também são algo que vale a pena pontuar.

O remake é incrível, apesar do valor cobrado por ele ser algo fora da realidade para muitos. Eu ainda acho que o remake de Mafia 1 é a melhor porta de entrada para essa franquia incrível.

"But family? Family is forever..."

even though the game has a decent sized open world, it really lacks depth, other than that the game is absolutely perfect

The actor's in this game felt like they were being forced to act like stereotypical gangsters from the 1930s

Не назову себя олдом, у которого детство связано с оригинальной Mafia 2002-го года, однако я знаком с ней. Прошёл году в 2019-ом. Поначалу играть не очень хотелось ввиду возраста игры, но потом она купила меня своей атмосферой и крепким сюжетом.

Узнав об анонсе ремейка, обрадовался. Потом увидел имя Hangar 13 и приуныл. Третью Mafia прошёл в первые дни. Не сказал бы, что игруля весьма плохая, но и доверия не возникло к разработчикам. Однако, они удивили. И в хорошем смысле!

Игра выглядит сногсшибательно: город ощущается живым, уникальным и запоминающимся. Те, кто играл в оригинал, ещё больше обрадуются, думаю. Ездить на автомобилях под аутентичную музыку невероятно. Стрельба ощущается неплохо, а оригинальный сюжет обрастает некоторыми новыми деталями. Катсцены срежиссированы великолепно: мы будто смотрим настоящий гангстерский фильм.

Характеры некоторых персонажей, не буду таить, несколько отличаются от тех, которые были ранее, однако это ничуть меня не смутило. Отдельный респект за наличие полного русского дубляжа. Остался доволен работой наших локализаторов.

Классический режим — подарок для олдов. Сам обычно все игры прохожу на среднем, но эту захотелось пройти именно с большим уклоном на оригинал, который в своё время (да и сейчас) давал попотеть. Как оказалось, "классика" стоит выше высокого. Меня это немного напугало, но я прошёл все миссии (исключая гонку, конечно)) на ней. И знатно кайфанул!

В общем, Mafia: Definitive Edition стоит свеч. И новичкам, и старичкам должна дать кайфануть как следует.

Eskisini bilmem. Yenisi harika.

This is how a remake should be. Sticked to the original but in most modern way possible such as nice additions to the story and mechanics.

Movimentação bem travada; um sistema de tiros ruim com uma IA burra. Dito isso, boa campanha.

A well made remake of the original. I would say the gameplay consists of 3 parts that are balanced rather equally: combat , driving and watching cutscenes. This is a story focused game, so watching so many cutscenes is not a bad thing, though it might annoy you if you need to quit the game but there seems to be no end to the cutscenes at that moment.
The shooting and sneaking part works fine, I played the game on classic difficulty, which is the highest available and taking a hit does serious damage to you. I wish enemies were as fragile on classic difficulty, as it can take up to 7 hits to kill someone , if not hitting the head. They also do not seem very bothered in their behavior or animations, that they have been hit several times. There is a stunned state enemies can get into if they are nearly dead, but that does not feel quite right. There is also melee combat, which is rather basic with only one type of attack and a timed dodge. The driving part is what I had to get used to. In classic difficulty, the driving is set to simulation and you can not change it. That makes the vehicles play very differently than most modern racing games. While braking, you can not steer. There is a good chance you will spin out of control if you take a corner too fast and especially with the cars in the beginning you will feel them struggle to drive uphill. All that makes the driving interesting though, even if it results in having to restart some sections multiple times. There is a race in this game too and boy is that absurdly difficult on classic difficulty. That could easily be the deal breaker for someone. The presentation of the game is consistently good, the city looks way better than the characters though. Performance was good too, but the game gets really buggy if you die a lot, from suddenly missing sounds to infinite loading screens to cutscenes just showing a black screen. All in all, I enjoyed the game and its story, but the combat could have been better.