Reviews from

in the past

DOKTOR, Inject it straight to my cock.

"Memes, the DNA of the soul"/10

Local jack the ripper fighting markiplier with a sword and the president of Egypt

While not as complex or difficult as some other action games that came before or after, MGR is a blast from start to finish in every regard. Only downside is something that affects a lot of platinum games, which is pre-rendered cutscenes, something that should be a remnant of the past as even the 360 and PS3 were more than capable of running everything in this game at high framerate.


hard mode for the best experience

Memories broken the truth goes unspoken

at times the dialogue feels like xavier the renegade angel. stupid ass game 4/5

Jogo muito foda, sinceramente muito bom

ai could never come up with this story



There's a lot of bs here but the boss fights and soundtrack more than make up for it.

I hate how you can't slice birds up in slow motion and then get scolded by Doctor in this game.


EU ADORO ESSE JOGO TU E DOIDO BOY ELE E SIMPLISMENTE INCRIVEL EM MUITOS ASPECTOS, na epoca muito gente odiou o jogo so por ele não ser stealth como era os outros metal gears, porem mesmo ele sendo muito diferente dos outros jogos da franquia metal gear, ele consegue se igualar tanto em grandeza quanto em beleza pois ele tem otimas musicas, uma gameplay muito boa e gostosa de se jogar, uma variedade de inimigos com cada um tendo formas de derrotar e personagens muito mas muito carismaticos.

Ja vamos iniciar falando super brevemente da historia do jogo pois não quero dar spoiler e infelizmente sou pessimo falando da historia sem contar ela intera sem querer. A historia se inicia com raiden no carro do primeiro ministro da africa, ele foi contratado como segurança por eles porem a paz não dura por muito tempo ja que aparece alguem matando os ciborgues que estão com raiden, logo apos o primeiro ministro e sequestrado e certas coisas acontecem, depois de fatiar varias coisas pelo caminho raiden luta contra jetstream sam e eles lutam ate o raider perder feio a luta e ser derrotado de uma forma muito facil, um tempo se passa e raider esta ainda mais aprimorado e com novas habilidades e ele e sua equipe estão em uma missao para impedir a organização dos desperados.

A gameplay do jogo e uma das melhores coisas que existe neste mundo, ela e rapida e super frenetica aonde você sai correndo e faitando os outros ou indo pra cima de inimigos gigantes e lutando com tudo oque tem enquanto toca uma musica sinistramente insana e tudo isso melhora se você tiver a primeira arma secundaria que ai os combos aumentam ainda mais tu e doido boy e bom demais essa gameplay ze. O jogo possui varias espadas que você pode comprar porem nenhuma delas muda muito a gameplay, elas ate tem alguns atributos proprios porem as melhores espadas são a fox blade, espada de madeira e a muramasa, mas não são so espadas que você pode utilizar, ao decorrer do jogo você vai desbloquando 3 novas armas para comprar na loja, as armas são uma lança, um sai e a pinça (ou tesoura para os intimos), a lança e a arma mais veloz e ela vai ser a sua secundaria mais usada pois ela entra muito em harmonia com a sua arma primaria, agora a sua segunda arma e o sai e a gameplay com ele serve mais para você se realocar na luta e voltar com tudo pra cima do inimigo, ela infelizmente não tem nenhum combo mas a sua habilidade de stunar os inimigos e muito boa para inimigos pesados, e a ultima arma e a pinça ou a tesoura e ela para mim e uma das melhores armas secundarias para derreter chefes pois ela possui 3 ataques carregaveis e quando você consegue usar o segundo ataque carregado dela não tem inimigo que sobreviva pois ela da um dano ridiculamente absurdo.

Agora vamos falar dos graficos e da musica de mental gear rising, bom a musica do jogo ela não e boa infelizmente ela E SENSACIONAL MERMÃO TU E DOIDO CARA PENSA EM UM JOGO COM MUSICA BOA PRA SE OUVIR, SERIO MESMO TODAS AS MUSICAS DESSE JOGO SÃO BOAS E NÃO TEM NENHUMA QUE SEJA RUIM, OS TEMAS DE CADA CHEFE ENTRA EM HARMONIA FAZENDO A GAMEPLAY ELEVAR PRA OUTRO PATAMAR TE MOTIVANDO A USAR TODAS AS SUAS HABILIDADES E MOSTRAR PRO CHEFE QUEM E QUE MANDA NA PARADA. Agora os graficos do jogo são muito bonitos para a epoca que foi lançado, ele tem uma ambientação bonita e cinematografica, se algum dia você for jogar metal gear rising você vai sentir uma sensação de como se estivesse em 2013 indo comprar algum jogo novo pro seu playstation 3 pois e essa a sensação que eu tenho sempre que eu jogo metal gear rising.

Eu recomendo muito você jogar metal gear rising algum dia pois eu diria que você ira muito de jogar e que vai se divertir muito!.

Nota: 10

This review contains spoilers

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a title thats pretty weird for me to talk about or form thoughts on. Even before I was out to play and go through the Metal Gear franchise, its sudden resurgence at the start of the 2020's sorta spoiled a large part of the fun that it is to go through this wacky game somewhat blind (It didn't help that it was one, if not the most widely available non-numbered Metal Gear game out there that everybody could run fairly well) so overexposure definitely took away some merit. But needless to say a lot of it was still fairly fun and enticing to go through as a first-time player coming from the rest of the Metal Gear games.

Rising is a weird little hack 'n slash video game supervised still by Kojima Productions but developed by beloved PlatinumGames and, man, it shows. Fundamentally the gameplay experience from this to other games in the series (besides the obvious shift in genres) is pretty darn noticeable, and while I think it's cute that they made it out to be a wannabe mainline game using different elements from Kojima-led games such as Codec calls and their characters, Alert systems, the way to use the few items that they give you through your inventory and a mixture betwen Metal Gear and Assassin's Creed-like parkour-stealth-assasination system that just barely keeps this game sort of in line with the rest of the series, but for its core gameplay mechanics it really felt like a very easy-to-get-into hack 'n slash with a high skill ceiling and some very inventive boss fights, with great music and aesthetics... For that part I think I am able to understand the relentless fanatism towards the title, and honestly it's a bit of the silver lining when it comes to it all from the studio that brought games like Bayonetta into the mix. It's a pretty sound game playability-wise and also fuels a lot of replayability considering all the things you can do (VR Missions, aiming for S-ranks on higher difficulties, fully upgrading Raiden and learning combos) so it really is not at all bad...

Except for the story.

So, Rising is pretty much the legacy and last ever look at a world post-War Economy after the Guns of the Patriots Incident, it's also the last ever look at the "present" timeline of Metal Gear being the title that takes place the furthest in the chronology, it is a weird one regarding that. We don't even know for certain what was this game supposed to be before all the changes they had to make during development too and for some time Kojima himself didn't even acknowledge it as part of the canon "Metal Gear Solid Saga", but it pretty much is now kinda. And we just have to deal with it.

Raiden comes back as the protagonist in this one after his MGS4 appearance where he was already kinda different to the guy who infiltrated the Big Shell (I like to call this the cishet/straightification of his character) and well, if MGS4 already felt a bit like character death for him, Rising straight up feels like character burial. Raiden is NOT the same character he was a couple entries ago, he is significantly edgier and he kinda has a roundabout all the way to the thing he swore to move forward from in MGS2, which is undoubtedly a shame considering how great his character was in that game. I get that with the whole plan to make VR-trained cyborg soldiers for private militaries is pretty much supposed to be full circle from his backstory as a child soldier, but regressing him back to Jack the Ripper was definitely not the way to go about it in my opinion. Pretty unimportant feeling characters too, there's at most three bad guys who are kinda relevant and considering the amount of exposition and depth Metal Gear usually goes for even some of the less important ones it's kind of a shame that most of them are that irrelevant.
And then there's also some issues with the pacing of events and the levels those events partake in, the duration of some of these isn't very well balanced across the board so there's legitimately a couple of them that last very little or go too fast for its own good making the game significantly shorter at the cost of integrity in its storytelling and also an actual connection between the game and the player, most of it is saved up for the Kool Action Momentz™️ and not much else to actually nurture a more than decent story.

And well, that's pretty much it for this game. It really has a lot of badass-ery and it genuinely has cool moments that make you go like "Hell yeah", but sometimes I think I'd rather have a good foundation instead of over the top mindless action, and this game has a whole world of that. I would've loved to see the reality where it was Gray Fox instead, that guy deserved better.

If you have a friend who is planning on playing this before anything else Metal Gear, please do them a favor and guide them to the light, this game kinda ruins a little bit of the surprise and uncertainty of not knowing who Raiden is in MGS2 and I feel like that has affected way more people's perception of his character as a whole, which is undoubtedly really sad.

hehe funni game. Insane difficulty spike towards the end though.

Holy 💩 this game blew my expectations out the window for Metal Gear games. Just pure rock and kicking butt. What's not to love. Definitely game me DMC vibes.

not only do they completely BUTCHER mgs2 and especially the final cutscene but the story is absolutely abysmal controls r so bad i needed to look up a yt video only good thing are 3 bosses and the ost

an unbelievable tour-de-force for platinum and what cemented them as one of my favorite studios. still working on all s-ranks on revengance