Reviews from

in the past

Um bom jogo, mas com aquele sentimento de que está faltando algo, parece incompleto.

This game kinda sucks until the last 10 hours
probably the most perfect stealth game out there

The man who sold the world the full game!

An incredible game, it only lacks some main missions that are unnecessary and seem like side missions. Other than that, Metal Gear Solid V has one of the biggest twists in gaming, and deserves a 5.

sahelanthropus é o trauma q nunca esquecerei
quiet é a melhor parceira por IA q alguém poderia querer

A really huge mess of a game that is all over the place when discussing its merits and flaws.

Overall: Phenomenal gameplay, alright open world, repetitive mission design, and a kind of bad story.

Skipping two games and try to piece up the story maybe wasn't the brightest idea

garbage story, boring open world. Probably the best feeling 3rd person shooter of all time though.

I played it like a goddamn fiddle!

This game is so strange because there are a lot of things I really like about it and a lot of things that I think actively make it worse. In a general sense, a bulk of my score is going towards the actual gameplay. I loved my experience with this game because it was so much fun to play. It is by far the most fun I've had with a Metal Gear game, and one of my favourite stealth games now. My only complaint with the gameplay stems from the story itself, in that chapter 2's missions are basically just repeats of chapter 1's with a few standout originals every once in a while.

The story is where my biggest contemplations stem from. In a general sense, I suppose I just don't feel like this game particularly added much. The prologue is an exciting introduction that really prepares you for the tone of the game. Then, Chapter 1 has a plotline that's seen through to the end, but it's paced so oddly that it feels like it ends right as it's beginning.

Chapter 2, on the other hand, just feels undercooked. It introduces some interesting concepts and has some of the best moments of the game, but it's really only like 5 missions long. Of course, I know the development issues this game went through, and how that surely affected the final product, but I can only judge what was made (and say "fuck you, Konami" ;P).

All in all, this is a real departure from the rest of the series in a lot of ways. It's not my favourite story, but it is definitely my favourite to play. There are things I wished had been better or fleshed out more, but as a game experience, I'm more than satisfied.

Quiet is one of the characters of all time.

Metal gear com certeza não é para mim

Uma pena não ter sido finalizado, tinha muito potencial pra ser oque não pode ser. Chega a ser triste, era pra ter sido um dos melhores.

As a big fan of the old Konami and Hideo Kojima's work, I could never have missed the fifth installment, even if I joined the party late.

In short, I would describe this game as the Dark Souls 2 of Metal Gear Solid: a great game, but it leaves a bitter taste after playing it.

This title is an excellent stealth and third-person shooter game, the gameplay is still unreached and masterfully done, so much so that years after, when correcting this review, one of the biggest games on the market right now is Helldivers 2, which takes a lot of fundamentals of MGS:V when it comes to movement, and, rightfully so, feels amazing to play.
The tactical freedom and openness of the game give a lot of ways and alternatives even when facing the same level/mission, there is more than one approach to a problem, and it's fun to play around.
While there are many stealth/action games out there, none have been the same perfect combination MGS:V is.

Graphically the game is stunning and has been made into an engine that was being developed only for it, but it does not waste performance, instead uses clever tricks to save some, i.e. Snake's shoulder being more detailed on the side you're looking at.
An engine so advanced and well-made that Konami kept using it for many of their games.
It's a game optimized for the gods, with my counter never dropping under 60fps, even with my not-extremely-powerful hardware.

There is almost somewhat of a managerial part to the game, having you manage resources, bases, soldiers, etc. It features several ways to keep you playing in singleplayer. In addition, the multplayer Forward Operating Base (or F.O.B.) mode is a Clash of Clans-style make your base, then invade your enemies' mode that is quite entertaining.
There is a lot to do!

The plot is as expected fantastic, especially when talking about the Prologue and Chapter 1. Unfortunately, half of the game is missing. The game was supposed to have 3 chapters and of the 2nd one, we only received a third of it at best. There is an ending to the game, but because this is a prequel, it's obvious that the game is incomplete.
I wasn't aware of this until playing it, but it was especially confusing when, randomly, the game started presenting alternative or copy-pasted missions with a challenging objective as part of the normal story missions, clearly, meant as fillers. The missions even have the dialogues turned on, with Snake repeating the same dialogues from a different point of the story.
The game has an ending, but it's not what you expect and not what it should be. Sadly it's possible to sense that the problems between Kojima and Konami have influenced this authorial work.
News since have revealed that Konami had isolated Kojima completely from his team for months[], pushing the release of the game earlier[] to keep costs together while aiming more for the mobile gaming market[].
Even though the finances of Konami, in general, had been going down, MGS:V Ground Zeroes, prologue of the V, had sold 1 million copies quickly[], basically paying for more than a third of the final development cost of V[], lastly trying to crashgrab on the series' name with a disappointing Survival game[].

The game is still an excellent purchase, as you can see from the hours I put in it, and it offers plenty of fun and challenge.
Unfortunately, as a fan of the series, I have to say that this game, however great it still might be, what it really did was show me the potential of what it could have been.
And that is why my vote is so low.
I am disappointed Konami was not willing to invest into finishing the product when this is what they had in their hands.

The game has MANY positives, but it's unfinished, and as long as you can look past that, I strongly suggest it!


I'd like to apologize to that child I threw off of the structure many times just to see his corpse slam on the floor instead of completing the game.

At the same time, I do not feel sorry for sending the blonde boy to his grave with a gunshot to the head, C4, or chokeslam off of the boat.