Reviews from

in the past

me when
"I laughed and shook his hand
And made my way back home
I searched for form and land
For years and years, I roamed
I gazed a gazely stare
At all the millions here
We must have died alone
A long, long time ago"

i like collecting music tapes and kissing men

TPP is a bit of a mixed bag in my opinion. It has extremely high points and a bunch of low points. That being said this game is still fantastic and deserves your time.

The gameplay is some of the best the stealth genre has to offer and in the 40 something hours I've spent I never found myself getting bored at all. I could lose hours just walking around the map doing random stuff. The fact that there's online elements tied to the main story is something truly unique and I wish more games did something like this, and all the different things you have to do to build your army never felt like a chore.

That being said, the story pales in comparison to the gameplay. It being an unfinished mess and all, I can't really praise it and it's unfortunate we'll probably never see a proper conclusion to this.

Overall, it's one of if not the best stealth game I've ever played and I can't recommend it more to anyone who loves stealth and third person shooters in general.

This game is so strange because there are a lot of things I really like about it and a lot of things that I think actively make it worse. In a general sense, a bulk of my score is going towards the actual gameplay. I loved my experience with this game because it was so much fun to play. It is by far the most fun I've had with a Metal Gear game, and one of my favourite stealth games now. My only complaint with the gameplay stems from the story itself, in that chapter 2's missions are basically just repeats of chapter 1's with a few standout originals every once in a while.

The story is where my biggest contemplations stem from. In a general sense, I suppose I just don't feel like this game particularly added much. The prologue is an exciting introduction that really prepares you for the tone of the game. Then, Chapter 1 has a plotline that's seen through to the end, but it's paced so oddly that it feels like it ends right as it's beginning.

Chapter 2, on the other hand, just feels undercooked. It introduces some interesting concepts and has some of the best moments of the game, but it's really only like 5 missions long. Of course, I know the development issues this game went through, and how that surely affected the final product, but I can only judge what was made (and say "fuck you, Konami" ;P).

All in all, this is a real departure from the rest of the series in a lot of ways. It's not my favourite story, but it is definitely my favourite to play. There are things I wished had been better or fleshed out more, but as a game experience, I'm more than satisfied.

Metal Gear Solid V is incredible, but man, it's also a total mess. The open-world stealth action feels amazing – so many ways to tackle missions, tons of awesome gadgets, and everything is smooth as butter. But the story is completely bonkers, even for MGS, and gets unfinished and rushed by the end. Still, if you just want to sneak around, build your own army, and cause hilarious chaos, this game is an absolute blast.

an excellent conclusion to the metal gear series. almost every system and feature from the earlier games is polished to perfection here, the stealth gameplay is incredible, and ive never had so much fun managing mother base. the optional online FOB missions are a great addition too. i know part of the story had to be rushed and a lot of it ended up being cut, which definitely made some parts feel awkwardly paced, but i still thought it was a lot of fun. the ending is great especially, and there's a main mission after the story ends that i liked a lot too. i also really enjoyed the dramatic cinematography during cutscenes, with every cutscene being similar to a handheld shot which makes this game's visuals stand out a lot.

Probably the best stealth gameplay of all time, it's perfect and gives the player so many options in how to tackle every mission and outpost. Generally, the story isn't nearly as good as the games before it, but there are still some absolutely heart-wrenching moments.

This review includes GZ with TPP

Easily one of my favorite games ever now. The gameplay was addicting and I surprisingly seldom found myself bored. Easily has the best gameplay in the mgs series. I also liked the base management aspect, and it was really fun to build up Diamond Dogs. My only main issues are that I felt the story was too short but even so there were so many great moments. And the ending was probably the 2nd/best ending in the 4 mg games I’ve played. Really want to play peace walker now but it’s not really available.


first 50 hours of the game are some of the best gameplay the video game world can offer, everything after that is incredibly banal and rehashed to oblivion. somehow still a masterpiece, though

sahelanthropus é o trauma q nunca esquecerei
quiet é a melhor parceira por IA q alguém poderia querer

Quiet is one of the characters of all time.

garbage story, boring open world. Probably the best feeling 3rd person shooter of all time though.

From the man who sold the world

This fucking game man. Its such a hodgepodge of so many great things and so many bad things. The gameplay is fantastic and honestly some of the most fun I've had in an open world game I have no gripes against that. Yet the story is such a mess, some of it hidden in cassette tapes and the whole story just gets super unstructured after the 2nd chapter. But I still really like the story and the characters (for the most part). The Man Who Sold The World was such a perfect song choice for this game. I love how that ending just ties together the whole series like a nice bow.

"Hurrrm, Colonel....

'I'm fulton extracting this soldier with a C4 strapped to his back, then waiting until he's high up in the air, then detonating the C4. That'll show these commie bastards not to mess with the Diamond Dogs!"

"What the fuck snake"

Directed by Hideo Kojima

Embora inacabado e repetitivo, é um baita jogo!

MGSV é um jogo que pode ser dividido em 2 experiências: a da história e a de conteúdo opcional (ou nem tanto) juntamente com o gerenciamento da base.

As missões de história são 8 ou 80 pra mim. O prólogo foi incrível, me deixando tenso até a conclusão do episódio. A partir desse ponto, se inicia a gameplay nos mapas abertos e a experiência também vai variando entre as missões. Algumas são diretas demais sem muito desenvolvimento na história, enquanto em outras eu reagia com "É DISSO QUE TÔ FALANDO, *" no quão empolgantes são pelo acontecimento em si e pelo desenvolvimento que elas geravam para a história. Consigo lembrar claramente de algumas missões em que eu ficava mexendo o pé como reflexo da minha empolgação kkkkk isso me fez criar um carinho enorme pelo jogo e gerou longas conversas com amigos que jogaram ou conhecem o jogo.

Entre os episódios da história, podemos explorar os 2 mapas do game e fazer missões opcionais; capturar soldados, animais e recursos; e administrar a base.
É divertido encontrar a sua gameplay ideal. O jogo oferece diversos recursos para o stealth, mas também temos vários armamentos para virar uma máquina de guerra. Ambas abordagens foram prazerosas em minha experiência, inclusive eu montava kits bem distintos para variar a gameplay.
O problema aparece quando a gente percebe que as missões opcionais são pouco variadas e algumas parecem ter sentido nenhum. Normalmente são 10 missões do mesmo tipo "extrair prisioneiro [1]", "extrair prisioneiro [2]" e por aí vai. As missões de limpeza de minas eram meio ????? pois algumas ficavam amontoadas em locais que nem os animais andavam.
O desenvolvimento da base faz diferença no decorrer do jogo para disponibilizar armamento e equipamentos novos, além de melhorar alguns serviços, como o processamento de materiais (que alegria não precisar ficar saqueando materiais processados no late game).

Alguns pontos que eu achei BEM CHATOS foram:
- os pré-requisitos invisíveis para algumas missões da história serem disponibilizadas. Ok, talvez o jogo force a fazer algumas coisas opcionais para dar a sensação de que o tempo passou, porém ser obrigado a escutar as fitas é estranho. Elas são essenciais para compreender melhor os acontecimentos, porém podia ter alguma indicação sobre essa obrigatoriedade;
- pra quê misturar as missões da história com as missões de desafio? podiam ter colocado isso em uma aba separada pra evitar confusão, principalmente quando é necessário descobrir algum requisito invisível 🙄;
- os episódios da história são estilo seriado, tendo uma intro mostrando o Snake no helicóptero e rolando os créditos iniciais SEMPRE exibindo os personagens participantes, e ao concluí-las é exibida uma tela de créditos. Eu particularmente adoro esse lado cinema do Kojima, mas os créditos iniciais nos dão spoilers sobre quem vai aparecer, sejam personagens relevantes ou inimigos diferenciados. Poxa, isso acaba com a surpresa.

E por último, mas não menos importante: infelizmente o jogo não possui um final. Algumas missões são consideradas como "finais do jogo", mas nenhuma encerra os arcos do jogo, o que é uma pena.
Eu gostaria de falar mais sobre os acontecimentos, personagens e detalhes sobre as missões boas, mas não vou entregar o ouro. Esse é um jogo que tem seus problemas, mas seus picos na história roubam a cena e definitivamente merecem ser apreciados sem spoilers.

O tema da Quiet ❤️

Es gracioso verme dándole esta nota al juego, pero bueno.

Lo abandoné en mayo del 2021, la segunda mitad me filtró un poquito y el bajón de calidad me pegó demasiado fuerte, pero lo vi en mi biblioteca y pensé: "por qué no, tampoco me faltaba tanto".

He cambiado mucho en estos años, y con ello mis gustos también, y ahora me gustan mucho más estas experiencias así de abiertas: me gusta perder 20 veces en una misión hasta que me hago una ruta mental y sale bien; me gusta usar todas las herramientas que me dan tanto como me pueda dar el cerebro. Qué equivocada estuve con este juego.

La historia es un pifostio, el segundo episodio es malo con ganas, las cinemáticas están inconexas a las misiones, pero si miras este juego únicamente desde una experiencia de gameplay es una barbaridad y se nota que es lo único que pudieron acabar. También es una pena que los mapas no lo lleguen a aprovechar del todo, pero hay pequeñas ocasiones donde sí y es brillante.

Y aunque la historia sea bastante mala, el final es una barbaridad. Es precioso y, de hecho, al haber tardado años en pasármelo me ha pegado más fuerte por ello. Kojima decidió acabar esta saga no con un final fuerte, triste o duro, la acabó con un mensaje esperanzador y directo. Son este tipo de cosas, junto a misiones como la de los soldados infectados en la Mother Base, los que me han hecho recordar el genio que es realmente este hombre.

obv not gonna write a long detailed review but i liked it!!!
all n all this game was supa fun,, n it actually helped me thru a period where i wasnt doin so well, the general ambience of this game n its chars are really special imo, kojima has a very grim n ugly sorta vibe goin in w his big boss series n i dig it,, especially here

also jesus the diamond dogs are SO hot ples choke me kaz !

I played it like a goddamn fiddle!

Unfortunately for a series like Metal Gear Solid which has incredibly interesting and well thought-out stories that have left me something to think about by the time it's finished, the story for MGSV is incredibly lackluster and most of the time feels completely disconnected from what I'm doing in missions and I believe this stems from the open-world design, as you'll so easily go between Mother Base or Afghanistan/Africa it feels like there's no pressure to get my job done, sure this Skull Face guy is making a Metal Gear with no known motivation, but I'd rather go mine collecting with D-Dog.

I find this game is just missing a lot of the usual narrative flare, since there's no big revelation or master plan that changes how you saw your actions throughout the game, and whilst I do think The Man Who Sold The World is a good twist and it did feel like a good pay-off for playing through the whole game for 50+ hours, it doesn't really change my perspective on how I experienced the game, and feels like a weaker version of MGS2's twists. When you get to the end of chapter 1 you think "is that it?" as by that time Skull Face has done nothing except talk to himself in the back of a car for 10 minutes and then lose control of everything, which is a shame because Ground Zeroes makes him seem incredibly menacing, but in reality has no presence and is nowhere near the level of Liquid, Solidus or Volgin. Chapter 2 is where I could physically feel the game run out of steam, as you've already completed your main objective, and all you get is repeated content which is made harder, or story content and resolutions which you have to grind towards, which isn't right as you shouldn't have to grind a game like MGS just to see how it truly ends, and was also a problem I had with Peace Walker and made me stop playing.

However, on the other end of the spectrum, the gameplay in MGSV is without a doubt the best in the series and saved the whole game for me. When you look at MGS2 on the PS2 and see how much interactivity and small features that game had, it's really no surprise that this game was able to do what the PS2 was capable of tenfold, as not only is the core gameplay flawless, but due to the amount of weapons, items and buddies at your disposal it adds so many possibilities for creatively making your way through a mission, and can appeal to a variety of gameplay types. I found the Mother Base management really fun this time compared to how lame it felt in PW, as fultoning enemies and watching my base grow felt so satisfying to see my progress grow and earn better rewards, and being able to actually visit Mother Base instead of just look at it through a menu, it all just felt a lot more streamlined and less of a chore to do.

Overall, whilst I think the story quality is far from what I'd expected from a game in this series and is pretty pointless (especially how it feels like a way to explain away a 'plothole' in Metal Gear 1) I find it hard to have any negative feelings toward this game as the gameplay is so much fun that it made me put more time into MGSV than the first 3 MGS games combined, and not once was I bored whilst playing. This game is definitely worth playing if you're a fan of the other games, at least just to see how the gameplay is like on a modern console because even 10 years later it's still fantastic and rivals most modern titles.

שיחקתי כמה משימות כיף מאוד עד עכשיו

sad that Kojima never got to finish the story

Entrou para o top 5 dos melhores jogos que já joguei na vida FACILMENTE!
Talvez seja o melhor do gênero, sem exagero. Este jogo tem tudo: jogabilidade excelente, sistema de itens e armas bons (e estressantes também haha), e uma história maravilhosa.
Acho que o ponto que me pegou foram as missões secundárias, que são boas, principalmente as que envolvem a lore principal, e as missões de expedição que demoram muito tempo, sem contar que eu ainda tinha que pegar os posters, projetos e completar os 47 animais do jogo. Eu juro que queria muito zerar 100% desse jogo, mas percebi que não estava aproveitando a história como um todo e estava gastando muito do meu tempo pessoal/social com as secundárias, 157 missões é brincadeira em Kojimão! Mas enfim, talvez algum dia eu volte para completar 100% (inclusive já até salvei o save do jogo para isso) e com certeza quero revisitar essa OBRA PRIMA QUE É ESTE JOGO.


An incredible game, it only lacks some main missions that are unnecessary and seem like side missions. Other than that, Metal Gear Solid V has one of the biggest twists in gaming, and deserves a 5.

The man who sold the world the full game!

Um bom jogo, mas com aquele sentimento de que está faltando algo, parece incompleto.

This game kinda sucks until the last 10 hours
probably the most perfect stealth game out there

Skipping two games and try to piece up the story maybe wasn't the brightest idea