Reviews from

in the past

Took me long enough to beat. Metroid is one of those series that when I’m into it, I’ll fucking plow through it, when I’m not I don’t play for months. Great fucking game tho. Totally badass ending.

An incredible update to an already amazing game. The love and care for the original shines through in the remastered version and every single piece of character and charm from the original is still here.

Metroid Prime brings Metroid into the 3D world in a way that can only be described as masterful.

The biggest problem is the backtracking for Chozu's artifacts. Otherwise, it's very good.

O maior problema é o Backtracking dos artefatos Chozu. De resto, é muito bom.

i mean, it literally is metroid prime. nothing is different except for the graphics overhaul. the overhaul is really good, though, so i guess i'll toss it an extra 0.5 stars.

Okay so I reviewed this only a bit in because it kind of made me realize I didn't really enjoy my first playthrough of this game as much as I thought I did. But I think it was unfair to leave it off at Phendrana Drifts. I liked the start of the game a lot so like Phendrana Drifts had to have just been a fluke and I was misremembering because of how much I despise that level. But no the entire game is just that afterwards.

This game fails fundamentally as a Metroid game, it doesn't look like one, it doesn't feel like one, and it doesn't play like one. Metroid Primes big powerups, the ones that really open up the world aren't even movement powerups, they are just beams that all need to be switched too it's really annoying, and when they are they are really boring and slow like the spider ball.
A metroidvania is meant to be a platformer action exploration game. Platforming is a huge part of it, so movement upgrades are the ones that stick out to you, not bloated weapon systems. Primes weapon systems are honestly more annoying than any of the 2D games because you switch in it so much more often. Every single door in this game wants you to use a different beam, go through an ice door, now there's a plasma door. Facing off against a wave Space Pirate, gotta switch to ice beam to open the door. This beam system also goes against one of the most fun things about the 2D Metroids, once you unlock all those beams they all become one extremely powerful beam that usually one shot everything and go througg walls. And when they don't the screw attack does it for you!

I genuinely think that Metroid Primes biggest issue is the fact it wanted to be a first person shooter. It forces combat on you, and it makes the weapons the big upgrades with all of them having side upgrades to them. I find FPS combat, incredibly boring, and the enemies in this game go from very quick to kill to complete damage sponges as soon as space pirates are introduced, and they keep adding to them, metroids also start showing up a lot and some of them are very tanky and split into 2 more of the same metroid to fight but you need to switch beams for both of them. It gets annoying the fun really just ends at Phedrana Drifts.

It sucks Prime would be an amazing exploration game if it didn't do this annoying stuff. It has such a great atmosphere, and if it was just like a peaceful, sometimes you have to shoot a couple of enemies around you kind of exploration game like the 2D ones it would have been really good.
But instead it has to stop you every 5 rooms to fight all the Space Pirates and unlock the doors, god its so annoying.

Im kind of sad that replaying this game only annoyed me, I want to like this game, I adore Metroid, it's my favorite series by Nitnedo. Super Metroid is still one of my top 5 games no question. So it sucks that this game, thats is considered one of the absolute greatest in the franchise, in the genre in general, is just a boring FPS disguised as an exploration game.

This game is peak Metroid. It's got all the great things about the 2D games but now in 3D remastered beautifully
on the switch.

It's open ended and has tons of fun items, enemies, upgrades, and locations to explore. The game has spectacular atmosphere and drives home the feeling of being alone on an unknown planet.

My main problems are it's a little too long and I've got a little bit of a problem with these types of games in general. I love exploring and getting upgrades but I absolutely hate getting lost and I did get lost a couple of times while playing. Also I feel like the combat is a little undercooked. It's just an endurance war between you and the enemy most of the time.

Overall a great game I've just got a couple personal problems with it.

Super Metroid de novo, em 3D. (Fuck Phazon Mines)

Super fun game, i finally got to play this classic for the first time through the remaster and it was very fun
Big hit to the game though is i did not like the constant fetch quest the game provided but when this game was good it was VERY good
music is top notch and just an all around comfy game to play

I've been a Metroid fan since childhood and I'd known Prime 1 was consistently ranked as the best or second best of the franchise, alternating with Super Metroid. Since I never had a GameCube, I relished the opportunity to finally get to play this. It's obviously good - it wouldn't have been remastered if it wasn't - but I have to admit it left me disappointed in several aspects that I wasn't expecting.

For context, the last Metroidvania I played before this was Metroid Dread, and I loved it. It felt like a refreshingly modern take on the classic 2D style with excellent boss fights and most of the level backtracking only coming into play with finding optional bonuses and secrets. In stark contrast, Prime is built entirely on the concept of backtracking. The core goal of finding the 12 chozo artifacts is married to the design philosophy of the player coming across something gated behind a lock that can only be unlocked with an ability that will be gained later. As a result, you're destined to have to retread the exact same rooms, obstacles, and enemies dozens of times before finally getting what you're looking for. I know the whole series is built on that design philosophy, but this game pushes it to the extreme.

My other major complaint is that the enemy respawn system is gratuitous. You'll enter a room, kill all the enemies in it, move to the next room, realize you took the wrong exit after a few moments, return to the prior room, and all the enemies will have already respawned. This got so tiresome that I started simply running through rooms ignoring enemies in the later parts of my playthrough. Regarding bosses, they're okay for the additional challenge they present, but on Normal difficulty they feel like they have way too much HP. Fights went on for so long that I grew bored before they ended.

I'm still glad I got to play this piece of gaming history, especially as a die-hard Metroid fan, but this is my least favorite of the ones I've played. A good game that may have been a masterpiece when it first came out, but by the newer standards both of its own series and others, it's still somewhat dated.

I only regret not playing sooner, the metroidvania formula as an FPS is so fun. The atmosphere and music is simply incredible. Definitely in Top 3 Metroids. Minor gripes: backtracking for artifacts, lack of map QOL features, lack of (good) fast travel.