Reviews from

in the past

Один из лучших представителей жанра jrpg.
Все понравилось: от дизайна до саундтрека. Только есть один нюанс - слишком много моментов, когда дни приходится пропускать, нет возможности что-то сделать.
Royal контент великолепен. Команда разработчиков за это время изменилась, но со своей задачей они справились на отлично.

It's the game that first got me into Persona
and it's really good (albeit a little long but that doesn't bother me) however the writing is a little weird sometimes

Adoro persona acho a campanha maravilhosa mas é intankavel oquao longo é esse jogo que chega a ser frustrante. Sem fator replay

A maioria das coisas que eu tinha de nitpick com o original, melhoraram e MUITO nessa versão. O novo trimestre é sensacional de bom e adiciona muito pra história. E a arte desse jogo é FODA e em trilha sonora persona sempre manda só banger, bom demais.

My first persona game, absolutely loved it. It's my least favorite of Persona 3-5, but that doesn't mean it's bad whatsover. Great characters, great gameplay, all around a wonderful time.

Best game of all time, only ever story game that I want to replay despite being as long as it is.

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pretty mid at november 20th

Years later and I can't bring myself to go back and finish the last dungeon. The game is really good in some places - but it is so damn repetitive and extremely long.

I have a dream that one day i will finish this game.