Reviews from

in the past

Tentei jogar uma vez em 2022, larguei com 12 horas e odiei.
Peguei pra jogar de novo esses dias, passei das 12 horas e amei.

Um jogão que me surpreendeu nos momentos finais, apesar de ter as suas falhas ali e aqui, são coisas que dá pra relevar e focar só na história e na interação entre os personagens, que por sinal são muito boas. A gameplay também é bem gostosinha, muito melhor que a do Tales of Arise, o Xillia bota essa bomba aí de joelhos e ainda chama de puta, é isso aí nessa porra, recomendo.

Uma das falhas que citei antes são os cenários do jogo, o mapa por onde você atravessa (os que contém inimigos) são muito desinteressantes e chatos de se olhar, mas pelo menos as cidades são até que legais, é o que salva um pouco.

Finished Tales of Xillia (Jude side).
It was a great experience to go through. Aside from some pacing and character issues, I absolutely loved the world, themes, and characters there were to see. But man, the combat was the star of the show for me, definitely my fav in the series. 8.5/10

More details here!
I didn't see Mila's side yet, so I can't say too much, but it was honestly fun seeing Jude grow as a character.
His meek and kind disposition is not often seen in male JRPG protags, but seeing his resolve and choices affect the ending was👍
I did wish his arc wasn't so fast. There's a certain part in the game where they basically tell what happened all in cutscenes instead of through its usual means, and part of me would have loved going through that gameplay wise along with skits and interactions. Making his big arc last so short was a shame.

Other than that, I really liked the cast. They meshed well with the theme of this game. I only wish they didn't staple so many things on Alvin. If you've played the game then you probably know what I mean. Definitely think other character could have taken some of those roles. Won't go too much into detail.

I also like the bad guys here. Think they were my favorites in the series. I think all of them had a grey side to them in which you could understand why they did the things they did. Especially their connections to the cast. Not only that but they were fun challenges!

Back to postive points! Combat was stellar. The progression to Artes>Linked Artes>Mystic Artes was top tier and experimenting with different characters felt good. It was honestly addicting trying to link everything, that I might have grinded too much before facing the final boss.

The lore of the game was also pretty fascinating. I'm always a big fan of games explaining how magic or special techniques work, and this game does a good job of doing it and expanding on it throughout the plot.
I'm honestly glad Xillia 2 is a thing cause I wanna see more of it.