Reviews from

in the past

“Perhaps so. Next time, I will do better. Don’t worry. I think I’m finally beginning to understand, now. What he was thinking… What he was trying to do. Next time… I’ll be more like him. He—“

Strong narrative driven stories that are long enough to span between more than one direct sequel is a hard task for a lot to overcome. Worldbuilding will be the head focus, pacing will always be in the conversation, and the question of if the pay off is worth it will always loom in the air without a doubt. Even giving the disclaimer of saying something ‘pays off’ is most definitely a red flag for a lot of people. You have to invest countless hours for something you’re not even sure you can take someone’s word on. I came immediately after finishing mask of deception, which in itself was an incredible journey in terms of story, characters, and gameplay. I didn’t know much about this series going in, just the bare minimum as you could get as far as details. I was told it has some parallels to Xenogears and offers hefty worldbuilding similar to the muv luv trilogy so I was sold. That being said nothing could’ve prepared me for the extravagant heavy climatic ending that MoD had in store for me. It was a given prelude of the fallen and deception were building towards something bigger but how the hell could it be that much of a step up with how much I enjoyed the previous entries. As I said I went in with very minimal info so I have no idea on what the consensus is for the trilogy as a whole, only that mask of truth is treated as the grand magnum opus finale similar to muv luv alternative. It only took me four hours into the game to see yeah.. this is indeed the one. This is gonna be a crazy ride and indeed it was one emotional rollercoaster I’m overjoyed I got to experience.

“I-I could think only of my own wants. My selfish need.. to have him back.. But I see now. It was never me. The one hurting the most in all this.. the one sacrificing.. has been you, Haku.”

It opens 10 days after deception ended and you’re greeted at the start in the same fashion as the first two except.. you wake up to two very larger.. ahem… ‘assets’ compared to the first two (Fumirul my beloved). What I found absolutely brilliant about the way Mask of Truth opens is how it’s a huge nod but also a self aware ‘you know what you’re about to get into’ moment. For both prelude and deception the main character is awoken by a girl treating their wounded body as they come to terms with realizing they have severe amnesia which entails they cannot remember anything about themselves including their own name. Our main heroine is awoken in a similar fashion except she’s not physically harmed and her amnesia is not quite the same. She’s suppressing very emotionally damaging memories that she doesn’t want to believe happened. There has been a lot of characters introduced between this epic trilogy of games, and absolutely none of them felt half baked or thrown in to just have present. Nekone is definitely one of my favorites due to how much care and attention her writing was given. A young lady gifted with intelligence that allowed her to be the youngest ever to pass the imperial exam(the toughest academic challenge in the country of Yamato) which led her to be secluded and isolated from both peers and adults. She is given a major focus due to her new dynamic relation with the mc and struggles with many problems that forces her to keep to herself and bottle it up. Kuon is another easy pick for both her often comedic stubborn events, and her more serious ‘stuck in a shell’ fear that holds her back from expressing her true feelings most of the time. “She’s so headstrong that sometimes I forget how delicate she actually is.” Constantly trying to hold as much of the burdens as she can before seeking help. Nekone’s mother; whom is treated more in line as a ‘minor character’ was another that really tugged hard on my heart at times, almost similarly to Teoro(prelude to the fallen minor character), but with a much larger impact. Although there’s much more and I could dedicate a whole entire review on the characters, I can’t not mention the Evenkuruga siblings. The Evenkuruga has grown to become my absolute favorite tribe within this world, as Touka was among my favorite in prelude. Evenkuruga’s are elite warriors that have their own code of philosophy with high values of both honor and justice. It is said all of the most revered Owlo’s in history had a trusty Evenkuruga by their side. We were given two main characters of the tribe introduced in Mask of Deception. Nosuri is more in line to how Touka was generally written. She shares the same strong sense of justice but it often sometimes leads her to misunderstandings due to her flaws of being far too naïve for her own good. Overall despite her flaws she’s consistently looking out for her friends, and always is on a mission for the best interest of the people that inhabit the world. She’s truly a good women. Then we have Ougi, who is a pretty new type of Evenkuruga than we’re used to. Ougi’s sense of determination and loyalty is almost entirely dedicated to his sister, Nosuri. He’s very sharp and is extremely skilled in stealth operations and psychological warfare. Despite his appearance, demeanor, and skills.. Ougi is quite the troublemaker even if it’s not always blatantly obvious. I found some of the more subtle jabs and comments from him among some of the most entertaining parts of the story. While these two are pretty different in personality, they compliment each other so well and while they’re excellent characters on their own, it’s hard to imagine only having one or the other. I could go on for hours about each major and even minor character because to me they’re all fantastic but it’s hard to really break down how great they’re without giving away major plot points and reveals. The regions of Tuskur and Yamato are flourished with deep lore that is very easy to get lost in. In mask of truth you will explore the pain of a man struggling to uphold a vital legacy whilst being forced to throw everything else away, the inhabitants of Yamato dealing with the past and current effects of an ongoing brutal war, a sense of identity that questions who said person really is, the hubris of humanity, and found family. I cannot and will not elaborate more.

“It must have been so hard for you. You must have lost so much to get this far… it’s all right now… you don’t have to carry this anymore. You have chosen a path of hardship, haven’t you? You must have suffered so much, having to keep silent all this time… You’re just like him, you know? So stubborn… it’s quite troubling.”

Mask of Truth is very much a visual novel first and a SRPG second in terms of content as a whole. That being said MoT has way more gameplay segments compared to both prelude and deception. Despite all of them taking the visual novel elements heavily in priority; the mechanics, level design, character building, and overall quality makes MoT, in my opinion, one of the most interesting strategy games I’ve played thus far. Mask of deception introduced a lot of new things that made the overall experience way more fun and intriguing compared to(which still is also a solid base for a srpg) prelude to the fallen. Truth is very close to the same gameplay wise to deception with a couple added mechanics that make it even more impressive than what the system already was. The standard grid based map is the basis for how you navigate and control ur targeting with a turn order. When you attack you’re presented with a circle timing, that, if you press the button at the right time you gain a crit which allows you to build up zeal(a special individual meter each character has that allows you to act again and/or preform ur final strike), gain more damage or higher heals, or activate when unlocked ur “final strike” which is an ultimate attack with an added bonus and unique animation. The timing can somewhat be compared to what mario rpgs are known for. As for the new; co op finals were omitted in deception but were brought back from prelude, and now you also have general co op attacks that don’t completely drain ur zeal to 0. Co op finals in general are a lot more complicated due to them having specific requirements that are far more demanding than what the setup was in prelude. For one, you can now manually set which combo line will be included for co ops in general, and if a specific one is not activated it won’t even show up as an option on the map. This not only encourages you to swap around with which characters should have what combo line set, while also allowing a lot more room for personalization. Another is positioning is very important. You have to either plan ahead or manipulate turn orders so you can get the right characters in positions so it will activate otherwise you might ruin ur chance and ur overzeal ends. The game finally has an actual in depth tutorial that teaches you a lot of hidden mechanics and strategies through Munechika’s trials that you normally wouldn’t be able to easily find without some digging(I had no idea all of these games had hidden crits, the ability to manually block an attack animation, and to manually select and see each of the turn order portraits for example). Overall it explains this so well, and since each character is given two stages each to showcase their quirks and how much they play different( they’re all drastically unique in terms of skills, stats, combos, and what they’re generally capable of). I wasn’t entirely sure why this was needed more compared to the others until I got to the dream battles and yeah, it’s really good they put them in because I don’t know how I’d be able to finish those without knowing absolutely everything these mechanics had to offer. A somewhat unrelated note I’d like to finish off with in this section is the glossary all of these games have provided. They’re absolutely fantastic and I really appreciate them. As events unfold it will get added to the lists or an updated entry will be recorded. It’s broken into 6 sections: people, location, culture, lifestyle, misc, and tutorial. If you’re ever confused about a term, curious to learn more about what they’re saying, or just want to further immerse yourself more into this fantastically written world give it a look.

“It’s fine. I know you, remember? You’re just the type of person that can’t stop yourself in situations like these. But I just want you to remember one thing. You’re not meant to die in a place like this. This land still needs you. We still need you.”

I’ve already posted some songs above and below but I cannot express enough how insanely well put together the ost has been compiled throughout not only this game but the previous two as well. You will hear both old and new tracks each entry and it will give you a lot more context, depth, and nostalgia depending on where it came from and when it’s happening. Although it’s mostly unspoken but still in your face the music itself is a huge key part to conveying the most emotional and gut wrenching scenes and events these games put on display for you to enjoy. You’ll remember the happiest of times, the worst, and even some that give you the strength to hope for a brighter outcome. While we’re on the topic of sound I’d also like to mention how much of a stellar performance all the voice actors did in pretty much every single role. I felt like every seiyuu in this game completely nailed the emotions and embodied everything each of these characters as they were intended to be written and heard as. The casting was flawless and it just elevated everything else to the next level. I unfortunately found out of the passing of the main characters voice actor, and that’s pretty heartbreaking. Rest in peace to Keji Fujiwara, ur performance especially was absolutely legendary and the character you brought to life has become one of my favorites in fiction. I’m very thankful to him and everyone else that made this game possible, it absolutely wouldn’t be the same without you.

I do have some complaints, although minor, they exist. For one the later dream stages can be very long. Now that’s not really the issue in itself because while they’re technically post game content that requires and forces you to know the complete ins and outs of all the mechanics possible, there is scenes that are pretty vital to wrapping up the narrative as a whole. Most of the maps are great and offer some of the best gameplay in the entire trilogy, however others drag way too long and become seriously tedious. If it was a simple one time clear that’s one thing, but if you’re looking to fully 100% the game like myself.. you’re in for a world of pain. Some of the item drops are at 30% to even 25% and it could take several to countless replays of the really tough/longer stages to get them all. I’m guessing this was partly done so you would unknowingly start grinding BP and exp as that’s very helpful and pretty much essential for the later stages.. and honestly it’s still not the best designed way to go about it in my opinion. If you didn’t care about getting all the drops you’d pretty much still be forced to do it, as some of the accessories are very much needed for the later stages otherwise you’re gonna be screwed. I played the entire story on hard and while some stages did offer a curve in ramped up difficulty at times, none of it felt anywhere close to these dream arena battles. I’d also like to mention since I was on the topic of BP.. it’s really nice that this one offers a way to get more equipment slots but holy shit it makes everything even more expensive after upgrading compared to the rest it was really hard to get everyone’s stats up. Mask of deception offered a couple of save data bonus’s that now looking back I can’t imagine not having. If you took the time to max a characters BP, as well as getting someone to level 50 you get one of each accessories that boost them. It seems kinda vital for prepping for these dream battles especially if you don’t want to spend hours on getting multiple drops. That’s pretty much my only gripes and while it was annoying at the time, it didn’t overall deteriorate my view on how fantastic the game was as a whole.. it was just very punishing for someone like myself who really wanted to 100% it.

“You can let it all out… It is never a shameful thing to shed tears. And what shame could there be in tears shed for him…? None will laugh or ridicule you for it. No… I will not allow them to. Even if nobody else realizes, your mother knows the truth. The burden that you have carried. The secret that you have kept. So please don’t forget. You are not… and you will never be… alone.”

On my last note Munechika is truly a legendary mononofu worthy of praise, Atuy is a beast both in and out of combat, the Evenkuruga twins are irreplaceable ally’s and great friends, Anju’s growth showed just how much she deserved the title she was birthed into, Fumirul is wife and she’s busted both in and out of combat, Rulu is adorable, Jachdwalt is a true homie you can rely on, Kiwru will go onto make history with the experience he’s acquired, with the knowledge Nekone has gained and will put into practice she will change & impact ennakamuy for the better, Saraana and Uruuru proved undeniable loyalty until the end, Shinonon will always be a value’d member of the team, Kuon’s elegance and bashfulness will remain in everyone’s heart, and most importantly the name of Oshtor will be immortalized as a legacy that no one can touch. I cannot stress enough that Utawarerumono is a story tied around brutal war, unforgettable bonds, identity, love, and an everlasting legacy to uphold. I’m not shocked that this was an amazing trilogy, nor will I be to see the high praise it has and will get. What truly was a shock was how much it resonated and stayed with me. For a very story focused trilogy and world that’s heavily reliant on the source material it comes from, it’s extremely rare and out of character for me to ask or loath for more especially when the ending is as satisfying as is… Despite that I do want more even in the obvious fears of it being potentially something that risks what’s been told and built here. I really do hope aside from monochrome they do add more follow ups or prequels to build upon this world because it’s such a magical immersive experience to dive into and get lost in. I can wholeheartedly say I love this series and I can’t wait to reexperience it again later down the line when I can. It’s another one of those special moments that I really wish I could erase my mind and play them blind again, but I have no regrets regardless. Utawarerumono was an unforgettable time and is now among one of my favorite stories I’ve experienced.