Reviews from

in the past

I'm not usually a fan of FPS but a unique gimmick or mechanic can catch my eye. The use of an RPG leveling system combined with the story and humor definitely makes Borderlands different from the rest of the genre. The series is famous for its humor, look, and gameplay all of which combine to create a great experience. This isn't the best installment in the series but it's certainly worth playing if you're looking for a different kind of FPS or RPG.

Definitivamente marcó un antes y un despues en el mundillo de los jueguillos del mismo palo, se saca la pollica en todo lo q falla el bl2

Feels really empty, somehow.

Go to point A and shoot, rinse and repeat. It's boring. Never saw the appeal of these games

I could zen-veg out and play this game for hours. Almost felt MMO-like at points. An enjoyable game, pretty different from its sequels but not in a bad way.

wish i played it on my ps3 but it was amazing getting to play this on my ps4, claptrap i still hate you but also love you.