Reviews from

in the past

still waiting for gta6. but been playing since release. fun with friends.

it was fun and was surprised how well it ran on my ps3 but i think itd be better if i modded in anime girls

A mocking critique and self-deprecating parody of Hollywood and American pop culture. There's nothing quite like it. GTA V is a monumental achievement and stands as one of the generational-defining video games of our time. I love the world-building, and the overall gameplay is very satisfying, although it does get repetitive after playing for a while. Sometimes I'd boot the game up just to listen to the city ambience or simply cruise down the streets of Los Santos with the radio on. However, I found the main storytelling quite lackluster, but it did manage to give us several iconic characters that helped bring its world to life.

At its core, GTA V is a meticulously crafted game aimed at gratifying our primal desire for violence and sexuality without real-life ramifications. It's a game made to satirize the absurdities of pop culture, yet over the past decade, mainstream culture has ironically begun to embody the very traits it once critiqued. In many ways, the success and legacy of GTA V perfectly encapsulates the zeitgeist of our generation and acts as a reflection of America's declining morality. It serves as a mirror to our own dysfunctional culture, plagued with corrupt politicians, and a society enslaved by capitalism, where self-serving interests and greed trump principles and ethics.

GTA V will continue to hold its place as one of the best games of all time. It’s a cultural juggernaut whose influence and impact remain unparalleled. Even though better open-world games have come out since its release, none have matched its ability to capture the zeitgeist with such precision. It stands as a poignant reminder of our society's potential trajectory.

I remember when this was at its peak. It's still the same mostly I've just gotten older and more aware of how the game is trying to get me to spend money.

I have always said I will play this game at some point, but just haven't until recently. There are some people who like to save the good part for later when it comes to doing things, I am certainly one of those people. In case you haven't got my message yet, GTA 5 is a phenomenal game.

I was a playing a different game before GTA 5 and found myself unable to sit and play for longer than 2 hours. I thought I just got tired of gaming after all these years but then I picked up GTA 5 and tried to pull an all-nighter to finish the game. The game offers a compelling experience both gameplay wise and narrative wise.

Gameplay wise, now you get to choose between 3 characters to play, each with their special abilities. I find this to be the most convenient when I want to, say, get back to the city by switching a different character while my current character is out there in the wilderness. Each time you switch the characters, there is also a mini cutscene where you get to see what the characters were up to before. These cutscenes add a lot of personalities to the characters and I really love them (especially Trevor's ridiculous ones). Each character's abilities can also come in handy when necessary. Michael has that Max Payne style bullet time ability; Franklin has the ability for you to execute tight maneuvers when driving; and Trevor can go berserk. I was skeptical on the usefulness of the abilities before coming into this game but ended up really liking it.

While the gunplay of this game is really similar to that of GTA 4, the driving of this game feels very different and arguably a lot worse than the previous title. The cars in this game have a more arcade feel to them and can be really slippery as it feels like they lack sufficient weight. The driving is by no means horrible or I would have absolutely hated this game. However, it does steer pretty heavily into being way too arcade than I would like it to.

Compared to GTA 4, there is also a lot more you can do within this game. You can mod your car again like in GTA SA now. You can also drive planes and even participate in races. You can get a haircut, a tattoo, and doing fucking yoga (fuck yoga, Michael will not reach enlightenment). In terms of sandbox, there is a lot you can do in this game and many of them are executed a lot better than some of the newer titles of the modern era.

Now, onto the narrative of this game. I feel like each GTA game is basically a Hollywood film except the stories and characters are much better. In terms of this game, this feels like one of those blockbuster action films that just makes you go "Hell yeah!" afterwards. It is also why I feel like ending C is the most fitting ending for this game but that's going on a tangent. Speaking of endings, there are three different ones in this game and each of them is executed pretty well in my opinion. The rest of the narrative can be best described as filled with action and fun. Don't walk in expecting some narrative masterpiece though. This game is a blockbuster action film and it ought to be treated that way.

There are also a significant amount of side quests and random encounters within this game. Some of them are wacky as fuck and really demonstrates the craziness that is modern America. I love that they are able to embed the collection quests into some of the side quests of this game. This makes the collectathons more meaningful instead of just collecting 50 random ass oysters or 100 mysterious hidden packages. I plan on 100%ing this game and am looking forward to exploring the world as I kept collecting weird shit.

Like its HD era sibling, GTA V is also most definitely going to be a future classic (or it already is considering the game is 11 years old at this point). The GTA franchise is arguably one of the most successful franchises in video game history with bangers after bangers. With GTA VI finally coming out soon, I really look forward to the future of this excellent franchise that Rockstar accidentally created due to bad programming that made the police cars more aggressive than they should.

you truly had to be there

La historia es divertida de cojones, el mapa y el mundo es lo mejor y pocos juegos se sienten asi de libertad a hacer lo que quieras en el y el multi con amigos es 10/10

Great game all around. In terms of story, not as good as 4. But still worthwhile

Fun to screw around a bit, but gets old quick.
Had it on release on the ps3 and tried to get into the story but nothing was grabbing me. Not a game for me

Just a modern classic, so good they released it 4 times

The game is rather fun, after all I've completed the campaign a fair few times now (including on the 360!). But, I don't find the game as engaging as GTA 4. I think the story in 5 lacks alot of depth, and the same could arguably said about the physics too. Overall, good game, just not my favourite in the franchise.

Also online absolutely sucks.

🚗I like driving around the city it's fun but yeah it's gta I'm not eating my breath literally everyone on the planet played this game 9/10

would be peak if online was tolerable

gta5 e um classico, cada minuto que passei nele foi divertido. a historia e interessante e divertida de acompanhar so que tem um problema. a duração do jogo, voce consegue termina em menos de um mes, isso e um problema tanto pra historia tanto pra gameplay, o jogo parece que nao foi terminado. eu vou fingir que nao existe o modo online para o bem da minha sanidade. enfim 4.5 otimo jogo!!!

A masterpiece game with a great online mode and rockstar gameplay at its peak

Jogo ótimo e divertido, mas infelizmente deixa a desejar na história, nunca joguei muito online

I have a lot of nostalgia playing this game with friends, and the story itself was great. But looking back on the game, the online side of it is extremely grindy and orientated towards spending money on microtransactions. I personally had a blast playing the game though.

Grand Theft Auto V is a monumental achievement in gaming, released in 2013 by Rockstar Games for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, and later enhanced for current-gen consoles and PC. It stands as a sprawling testament to open-world game design, pushing boundaries in both scope and ambition. Set in the fictional state of San Andreas, GTA V invites players into a meticulously crafted world teeming with life, satire, and endless opportunities for chaos and exploration.

From the outset, GTA V dazzles with its three protagonist system, each with their own distinct personality and motivations. Michael, a retired bank robber grappling with a dysfunctional family; Franklin, a street-smart hustler looking to escape the gang life; and Trevor, a volatile and unhinged criminal with a penchant for chaos. This trio's intertwining narratives weave a complex tapestry of crime, ambition, and betrayal, offering players unprecedented depth and perspective as they navigate the seedy underbelly of Los Santos.

The game's narrative is a tour de force of storytelling, blending dark humor with poignant commentary on contemporary American culture. Rockstar's trademark satire is on full display, skewering everything from reality TV to corporate greed and the pursuit of the almighty dollar. The missions are a thrilling mix of high-stakes heists, intense shootouts, and jaw-dropping set pieces that keep players on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

GTA V's open-world design is nothing short of breathtaking. The city of Los Santos and its surrounding countryside are rendered with astonishing detail, from bustling city streets and towering skyscrapers to serene beaches and rugged mountains. The sheer scale of the world is staggering, offering players a playground of unprecedented scope and variety. Whether cruising through the urban sprawl in a stolen sports car, soaring above the city in a helicopter, or diving to the depths of the ocean in search of hidden treasures, every corner of GTA V's world feels alive and brimming with possibility.

The gameplay is a seamless blend of action, exploration, and freedom. Players can switch between the three protagonists at will, experiencing their unique storylines and abilities while embarking on a wide array of side activities and challenges. From participating in street races and engaging in adrenaline-pumping sports like tennis and golf to investing in the stock market and purchasing luxury properties, GTA V offers an unparalleled level of depth and immersion.

Combat and driving mechanics are finely tuned, offering responsive controls that ensure every shootout and high-speed chase feels intense and exhilarating. The addition of a cover system and special abilities unique to each protagonist adds strategic depth to combat encounters, allowing players to approach missions in a manner that suits their playstyle.

Visually, GTA V is a technical marvel. The game's graphics are stunning, with realistic character models, lifelike animations, and breathtaking environmental effects that bring the world to life. Dynamic weather and day-night cycles further enhance the immersion, while a dynamic soundtrack curated across multiple radio stations adds to the atmosphere, featuring a diverse range of genres and artists that cater to every taste.

The multiplayer component, Grand Theft Auto Online, is a thriving community-driven experience that extends the game's longevity and replayability. Players can team up with friends to tackle heists, engage in competitive races and deathmatches, or simply explore the vast open world together. Rockstar's commitment to supporting GTA Online with regular updates and new content ensures that there's always something new to discover and experience.

In conclusion, Grand Theft Auto V is more than just a game; it's a cultural phenomenon and a landmark in interactive entertainment. It raises the bar for open-world games, offering an unprecedented level of freedom, depth, and storytelling prowess. Whether you're drawn to its gripping narrative, its expansive world, or its boundless opportunities for mayhem, GTA V delivers an unforgettable experience that continues to captivate players years after its initial release.

I loved the dialogs and listening to the radio, the satire is immaculate, couldn't get enough of it

A Game important to my life, played it originally in 2013 while I was back in school, I have a lot of Nostalgia about it and maybe that influenced a bit when I've replayed on PC in 2024 but still, enjoyed the Story until the very end and I wanted more!

even tried playing GTA Online to get a few more bits of the story and world but... nowadays it feels like its way too much. , I don't know, played a lot of GTA Online until 2018, but now I just can't go back.

Too young to enjoy the multiplayer in its peak but the story was great really looking forward to GTA VI

I enjoyed this game SO MUCH from start to finished. I never actually played the story mode until 2023, and MAAAAAAAAN it slaps.