Reviews from

in the past

Terminado la historia :)

Pues, ha estado muy muy bien, lo digo enserio! Solo este y Gravity Rush, entre algunos otros, han sido los sandbox o mundos abiertos que más me han enganchado muchísimo disfrutando de su entorno, mecánicas (que son un gustazo), queriendo hacer todo lo que tenga para ofrecer, por eso se me ha hecho extenso (en el buen sentido), por que yo marque mi ritmo y hice que me durara tanto, cada cosa que me ofrecía por hacer era saborear una golosina, Rockstar es masterclass de cómo hacer un jodido mundo abierto.

Ahora, la historia, entiendo que a personas como Dayo no les resulte la narrativa, teniendo en cuenta que el juego se estrenó después del 4 y el primer Red Dead Redemption, y más aún cuando dichos juegos tienen unos finales que te dejaban en el suelo hecho mierda... se entiende que por su tono satírico y muy de humor negro con la sutileza de un martillazo en la cara no agrade a muchos, pero he disfrutado mucho su narrativa, gracias a lo muy cinematográfica que es, apoyado por scripts excelentemente guionizados, además de darle en ocasiones el asiento del director al jugador para realizar una "escenas" a través del uso de los comandos del control y un uso de la música realmente inmersivo, condimentado con unos gráficos realistas que a mi opinión se mantienen sólidos a pesar de los años, yo, en mi caso, le doy un aprobado.


En fin, yo entiendo que este juego es ejemplo absoluto del Blockbuster videojuego, pero seamos sincero, si es bueno, es bueno, además, Jaws y Star Wars son blockbusters y son clásicos del cine, así que... no anden chingado... ah, no voy a jugar GTA Online, eh, que paso?

The story is not that good and forces you to do some stupid missions that only waste your time, like the one with yoga QTEs.
The satirical writing is much more in-your-face than SA, with characters randomly going on rants about the state of the US.
The gunplay is OK, but using cover and going for headshots is overpowered, so it ends up being the way to get out of any situation, making it boring. I also didn't like how the animations are more realistic in V. Having to watch a 5-10s animation because you run into a wall or missed a jump to a ledge and now have to see your character slowly get up is annoying.
Overall, the only thing I consistently enjoyed in this game was driving around.

This game is weird.

I started playing this game young. TOO young. I didn't understand most of the jokes and I thought the nudity was icky, but blowing things up was fun.

Fast forward nearly 10 years and I'm still playing it. The gameplay is infective. You can spend your time doing a countless amount of activities but even driving around, or flying is fun too. There's an amazing depth to its world. Whether its the NPC's which have the weirdest one-sided conversations on their phones or the advertisements which are just real brands with some kind of dick joke in there.

Sure, the story is a bit half-baked, its pacing is weird and it suffers from the usual rockstar problem of not knowing how to wrap up a story properly. And online, is known for its many, MANY problems and is essentially just a front now for buying shark cards.

This game holds a very special place in my heart, I will be very sad when it's left behind for its sequel.

Final dışında her şey çok iyi. Bir daha ki oynayışımda,
heist görevlerini kesinlikle gürültülü seçeneğiyle oynayacağım.

one of my favorite stories in gaming for sure

Сюжет GTA 5 мне не очень сильно зашел. В игре не очень интересные персонажи, кроме главных героев. Второстепенных героев можно назвать серыми, простыми, не особо интересными и они почти не запоминаются.

Миссии в игре частично интересные. Ограбления просто великолепные, их очень интересно проходить. Но вот квесты между ними не такие занимательные. С доп. миссиями дела обстоят практически также, есть довольно интересные задания, а есть очень скучные, которые даже утомляют. Например, рутинные миссии с эвакуатором, они просто ужасны.
Геймплей почти мало чем отличается от четвертой части. Но нововведение все-таки имеется. Главная из фишек пятой части — переключение между героями. Во время игры одним персонажем, двое других делают то, что они захотят.
В игре очень не хватает взаимодействия с открытым миром. В остальном, в принципе, все нормально. Хорошая стрельба, удобное управление транспортом, вернулись RPG элементы из San Andreas.
Открытый мир выглядит потрясающе, он, очень красив и детализирован, он ощущается живым, но, к сожалению, он пустой. Доп. квестов очень мало. В игре есть и другие активности, но они совсем не цепляют.

GTA 5 – это одна из успешных игр за всю историю игровой индустрии. Будучи самой продаваемой экшн-игрой всех времен и, впоследствии, одним из самых узнаваемых развлечений нашего времени, здесь не так много нового, что можно было бы охватить. Многие люди обожают эту игру, она имеет много плюсов. Но у игры явно довольно большие проблемы с миссиями, местами они довольные скучные. GTA Online не учитывается и не влияет на конечную оценку. Самое главное, что это мое ЛИЧНОЕ мнение.

Se eu só pudesse jogar um jogo pro resto da minha vida seria a escolha mais fácil do mundo

have not played the story, i find it kinda boring honestly, but the online is really fun to play with friends i recommend it, but, just play it when they fix the hackers problem, y'all don't want anything bad happening cause of those dudes and rockstar doesn't seem to give 2 fucks about their game

I couldn't get into the multiplayer part, which is awkward, because that's why seemingly everyone is playing this game. The single-player part was genuinely great though, great characters and a great way to split the narrative 3 ways. I'm afraid the success of the online GTAV will just encourage Rockstar to do the same over and over.

The almost 1500 hours of gameplay speaks for itself

joguei nas duas gerações, GTA V não tem erros, apenas nostalgia slk

it's all about a cuck, a drug addicted canadian and a black guy. great game, changed my life.

Joguei muito, o online me divertiu pra caramba, pena que naquela epoca n tive muitos amigos pra jogar junto mas tenho boas lembranças com ele

Terra meter: 76%

Story/narrative - 3/5
Gameplay - - 4/5
Sound/music - 3/5
General presentation - 4/5
Overall enjoyment - 5/5

I bought it on release on PC. Played the campaign and some heist with my friends. Good times.

While GTA V isn't without its flaws, Rockstar really did create the best GTA ever after failing to surpass GTA San Andreas with GTA IV. This game was phenomenal. An incredible story split between 3 totally different characters creating a different perspective and allowing players to make important decisions between them all that leads to one hell if a climax. There's no denying the greatness of GTA V. It is one of the best experiences you can have in gaming and I recommend it heavily.

O mais engraçado é que o GTA V acabou se tornou o jogo que mais comprei repetidas vezes até hoje, em segundo ficou battlefield 5, comprei no lançamento para ps3, quando peguei o ps4, anos depois digital em uma promoção para ps3 e agora para o pc.
De todos sem dúvida o que mais me divirto e estou divertindo é no pc, jogo lindo e completo. modo história top, multiplayer sem base, e as atualizações são cada vez mais ♥♥♥♥♥.

Se estiver procurando diversão este é o lugar.

Third playthrough, I actually enjoyed it much more in first person, more immersive and more fun imo.
Campaign's ok, with a couple annoying missions that don't add much to the thing.

truth be told, i only really played the online, but it was so much fun i forgot to even touch the story mode 100+ hours in LOL

Okay this game was good but the story gets boring after a while and most important the online is just grind and i hate it

Good times, good times... mostly. Rockstar needs to stop trying to make mundane stuff fun. Online was boring except when I became an axe murderer.

Rockstar mostrando como se faz video-game ser video-game.

I played through it fully twice, once on the ps3 and once on PC. It was an ok game. It wasn't bad and it wasn't the greatest game of all time. It's cool what a lot of people do with the game outside of it with mods. Alone it's just ok.

- Ai is more advanced well obviously since it's the latest title
- Introduction to 3 MCs instead of the usual one makes the gameplay dynamic since you can see one of the different perspective when you swap characters
- Has some good osts
- The map is the biggest out of all the games in the franchise

- Somehow being the latest installment has less features to interact with than the other hit game a generation prior
- Less area variety since the areas are jam packed to one big land which Los santos occupies a huge portion of

I'm rating GTA V a 4/5 mostly because I respect it as a game. It's one of the most iconic games of all time and it is ahead of its time in terms of graphics and size. But the game itself gets boring quickly. My favorite thing to do is dick around with friends or just messing with NPCs. The heists are hella fun but you have to go through so many annoying setups that it's barely worth it. 90% of money-making methods are just like jobs, there's not a lot of fun with it. I am dissing this game a lot, but its high points are a lot of fun. Overall its overrated, but it can still be a lot of fun.

cayo perico cayo perico cayo perico cayo perico cayo perico cayo perico
btw modo historia goat