Reviews from

in the past

Very short game but like I got stuck so many times which was really annoying but its a really cool concept

love atmosphere, nice short game, love big balls of flesh consuming everything in its path <3

Ambientação fantástica, iluminação perfeita e ritmo muito bem feito

Stop playing outside and go play Inside

i only was able to finish it cause my dad and brother told me what to do the entire time. i rlly liked the vibes tho super creepy super spooky i like it

fucked up and mysterious and you never get the answers. the controls are responsive, the atmosphere is dense and oppressive, it's everything you'd want and a solid recommendation from me.

Artistic (pretentious) puzzle platformer that had an okay pay-off.

I mean it's the limbo developers? Or at least I think it was or something like that? Dropped it pretty early, didn't get hooked at all by the aesthetic in general.
Then again after that I've been seeing it popping in and out of video essayists and I don't know why everyone on there seems so obsessed with this one, I don't see anything that makes me keep going for it.

One of the most haunting and deeply introspective experiences I think I've ever had. And it was fun too!

Bizarro, estranho e bem imersivo. Os puzzles são maneiros. Não é cansativo e o visual torna ele até bem reflexivo em alguns momentos.

Another limbo-type game but it's better than limbo. Pretty cool visuals at times.

o joguin gostoso de jogar viu... é tipo um platformer no auge da gameplay... só que de puzzle E alem disso nada poderia ter me preparado pro final ta maluco