Reviews from

in the past

13 year old me made a good choice.

It's a pretty standard lego game experience.

But they got Ratchet to play Spider-man so that's cool.

The Greatest Game Ever Made.

This is it. Nothing will ever hold a candle to this masterpiece. No game ever made has had such an amazing open world. Behind every crevice there is a new character to unlock, a new gold brick to collect, a new level to beat. Top it off with the best character roster of any lego game ever and hub music that will get you to put the control down and just start listening, this is easily the best game ever. To make it fair to every other game we won't even get into the story missions.

This game is a banger. used to play it on the box 360 back when it came out. I've recently rebeat it on Pc and that was one of the worst experiences ever. Grinding mission over and over again can get tiring. Still an amazing game.

I 100% this game and would have my friends and family over to just play around in this game. It was weird tbh but this game was fun as a kid

I played this on the Xbox one with my cousin and didn't like it. This is when Lego games started to suck following this game. The last good ones were the Lego Movie game and Lego Batman 3.