Reviews from

in the past

I thought it was relaxing. Some of the latter tasks can get a bit menial, though, with how big they all get. Fine to put on something in the background and just take a minute to breathe

she power on my wash until i simulator

Pretty fun, though some jobs can get excessively tiring. Not a bad way to spend some hours.

got motion sick and refunded 😎

I’ve played this for longer than I care to admit

No, I'm not ashamed to say that when I bought my PS5 the first games I got were Spider-Man, Resident Evil 7, and this.

This game is frankly cheaper & more effective than therapy and I'm not joking (okay maybe a lil)

This game has cursed me. I find myself going outside my apartment and getting pissed at how dirty the ground is. I look up, see the moss growing on my neighbor's roof, and shake my fist at the sky. I think, "If I had a power washer, this complex would be immaculate in 30 minutes!"

So now I must ask myself, am I experiencing the same feeling of joy that a father gets when renting a power washer from Home Depot? Am I a dad?