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in the past

Came for some cool combat, a serviceable story, and some booty.
Stayed for some cool combat, a serviceable story, and some booty.

I enjoyed Stellar Blade overall, but some major flaws kept me from truly loving it and I'll get into that.
First of all, this is a very visual and gameplay centric game that lacks any real depth or personality. It's kind of like "do judge a game by it's cover."

Graphically this game is just beautiful. 10/10 in that department, it is just a extremely good looking game that has some great performance options as well. The entire time I played, my framerate was consistent and high. (I played on the balanced graphic mode.) No complaints on visual fidelity!

Gameplay wise it has been compared to be souls like and yeah it is very reminiscent of it. The combat loop is mainly very reliant on perfect parries which will take some time to really master but once you do and the combat clicks, it really is fun. Stellar Blade's combat is great for the most part. Satisfying and hard-hitting. However don't forget I did say for the most part. There is no animation cancel and a considerable delay on some inputs so it can become frustrating at times. Also this game was NOT designed with multiple enemy fights in mind. The one-on-one fights are great and have an awesome flow, but when you are fighting against 7 different monsters with different attack patterns hitting you from every side it's just a clunky mess. And that's not because I'm bad at the game, it's just an underdeveloped aspect of the combat that was not thought about enough. The combat's design simply doesn't allow good crowd fighting. And don't get me started on the platforming. Jeez... Yeah it's true, the platforming in this game is garbage. In a nutshell, the combat is fun with minor flaws but is still definitely one of the strongest reasons to play.

I think that boss fights were great and definitely a real challenge at times. However some of the variation between boss fights was a little bit dull and there was even some reused boss fights which we do not like to see. Boss fight bars are also sometimes "inconsistent" (hidden, regenerating, or even just ending the fight midway bars) which I'm not a fan of. Messing with the factual metadata just because is something I don't really like. Speaking of challenge, the difficulty in this game is just strange. I tried both story mode and normal mode and wow even story mode had some ridiculous difficulty spiking that felt a little bit wrong.

Now I wanna talk about a topic midway through the game that really started to eat away at my will to play. This is also just a general problem in the gaming industry. And that is... open world. Yeah Stellar Blade is another open world game and let me tell you it is just not good. This game's open world is the perfect representation of everything wrong with bad open worlds. Desolate. Dull. Boring. Tedious soul-sucking fluff that just exists to exist. I don't know who decided for the two open world zones to both be BARREN DESERT ENVIRONMENTS that serve no purpose other than to complete quests and fight the same old generic randomly scattered enemies. It's just a chore to get through. Getting an open world to be genuinely exciting is hard which is why I love FF7 Rebirth and RDR2 so much. But stellar Blade just does not succeed in any way there.

The music was definitely something that had some great highs and an overall solid lineup. Just like the gameplay though, sometimes it got a little bit repetitive and boring but still a very respectable soundtrack.

Kind of niche thing I want to compliment is the UI. It's simple, responsive, and feels nice to use so I just wanted to talk about that because so many new games just have the most eye searing UI's ever.

Now onto the topics that I probably have the strongest opinions on and that affects my enjoyment of something the most. The core of a videogame. The story, characters, writing, script, narrative, and all that juicy stuff. Remember to when I described Stellar Blade as a very look centric game? Well that should insinuate what I thought about these elements. When I went into this game I was really hoping and relying on the story and characters to be great but unfortunately I was left a little bit disappointed. The story does exist, and it was interesting enough for me to play through the game, but it lacks anything truly captivating or super fresh. It's just fine, nothing incredible but also nothing terrible. Quite (extremely) predictable and strange at times but again this game is mainly focused on the outside of things. And on the topic of the outside of things, of course I need to bring up the giant... voluptuous... elephant in the room. The controversy that got Stellar Blade so infamous in the first place... Eve. I'm talking about the over-sexualization debate regarding her and other characters and what I think about it. What I think is that you can have a sexy, attractive character design. However you cannot ONLY have a sexy, attractive character. The character cannot exist to simply rake in money and stand there pretty. It has to be remembered that the pretty person has a soul, a personality, and agency that has to be properly acknowledged. Or else they are simply just a hot, one-dimensional doll. In order for a sexy protagonist or character to work she needs to have much more depth that simply, "hot girl" with a personality of, "hot girl." There are some great examples of well written women who are also pretty that exist that I think many more mainstream games and movies could learn from. Some examples include Tifa Lockhart (especially Remake series), 2b from Nier: Automata, and Ellie from The Last of Us. These are all characters that are exemplary examples of how you can have a hot character that above all else has meaningful writing and proper agency in the story. Their looks are not what simply defines their character but are just an added bonus, the icing on the fulfilling, developed cake. When evaluating a piece of media and how it handles this topic it's also important to note the setting of the story and how the design fits in. It's also helpful to examine how other characters are handled. One more thing that needs to be considered is to what degree the character is sexualized. You can have an exceptionally well written character with in depth traits, but if they are walking around an intense battlefield with nothing more than a transparent bikini then it kind looks silly doesn't it? A bit of relativity I guess you could say is needed. Now where does Eve from Stellar Blade land in all of this? And to be honest, I really wanted her to be another great example, but I simply can't really say that. Let me say first that the characters in this game are about as interesting as a brick wall. None of them have any charm, hardly have any personality, and just feel bland. The voice acting + dialogue also does not do them any favors. You won't find much joy out of the characterization and script. This is all sadly true with Eve who isn't flat anywhere else except for her personality. This already may bring her character down to just "pretty woman who fights monsters" and that's about it but there are some other aspects I need to address. During the game you collect different outfits for eve and some of them are just, how do I put this lightly, completely tone-deaf and ridiculous to the story. When your strong action RPG protagonist is fighting disgustingly horrific monsters in a "realistic" environment in literal lingerie it feels a little bit strange. There is a difference between a sexy design with taste and elegance in mind, and a sexy design meant to distract you from the actual fight and pander to a certain demographic. Granted, some of the outfits are in the former, but a lot of them are in the latter and to a very weird degree. When you look at Adam's design it just becomes more damning, completely covered bulky baggy clothing. Now if we go back to the relative aspects I was talking about it and compare it with what I described it all really does point to Eve just being plainly over-sexualized with no good excuse. It doesn't make sense for the setting, the other characters aren't similar, and the degree to which it can get is embarrassing. HOWEVER there is one thing I do need to compliment the game on. Aside from some of the outfit options, the game never over-sexualizes Eve as a character. There are no tropey situations she's put in or perverted lingering shots of her. (There are battle cutscenes in which you may get an upskirt but it's not terribly offensive.) The point I'm trying to make is that the tone that this game tries to set and it's complimenting character does not mix. I like the premise, theme, setting, and gameplay, but none of how Eve is portrayed is believable. She lacks any real depth and instead is marketed as, "strong and pretty." And it just seems to clash with what the rest of the game is trying to set.

In the end, I think that the amount of drama that was created from this one game for one minor part of it was completely unwarranted and shouldn't have to be such a problem. I personally think that the characters could have been fleshed out more and maybe toned down some of the outfits to a more realistic and believable standard but that's just me. At the end of the day this is not a children's game, and it's the developers choice on how they want to make the game. These are just my thoughts and how I think that over-sexualization should be addressed and how I think good writing matters above all else.

All in all, Stellar Blade is a fun gameplay and graphical experience with a good soundtrack that will leave you longing for a little bit more of an impressive story. I highly recommend playing Nier: Automata if you want something more impactful.

The biblical names and themes unfortunately spoil a good chunk of the story but when the gameplay is as fun as it is that doesn't really affect things too much. The combat is super satisfying and while parrying is pretty easy to pull off, hitting 12 in a row while you're on low health makes you feel like a badass. The monster designs are so well done that I can't help but want to purchase figurines of them to put up on my shelf. The bosses had great variety, my favorite of them was Belial. I can't say this game is one of the best of all time but I would definitely recommend it and cannot wait to see what Shift Up has in store for us in the future

Stellar Blade

Das nächste Hypespiel in dem die Welt gerettet wird und die Tussi unbedingt einen dicken Arsch, dicke Titten und dickes Make Up haben muss.
.. oder?

Es beginnt schon mit der ersten Cutscene. Dass die Alte da direkt nackt gezeigt wird, ist fast zu verzeihen.
Denn der Soundtrack legt direkt los und lässt nicht mehr nach.
Selbst die Hubworld bekommt ein neues aufhellenderes Lied, nachdem mehr Menschen vor Ort sind. Das ist schon wirklich was besonderes.
Eine Spezialattacke kriegt seinen eigenen Song. Das macht einfach Bock.
Der Soundtrack ist wirklich was besonderes. Die Lieder funktionieren nicht alleine, ich werde mit den Soundtrack nicht stundenlang anhören. Aber mit den Szenarien zusammen entsteht Kunst, die ich endlich auch mal genieße :D

Kistenminispiele ändern sich, sodass die 50 gesicherten Kisten eben nicht alle gleich aufgehen. top!

Kein unnötiges Backtracking! (Zumindest kaum.. :P )
Gehe von A nach B um dann wieder nach A zu laufen, gibt es nicht. Falls das in der Story vorkommt, kommt ein Cut und man ist direkt am Ziel!

Angeln macht Spaß! Kein FF15, aber ich glaube das nächstbeste Angelprinzip in einem RPG/Actionspiel, das ich kenne. Und der PS5 Controller wird genutzt!

Das Pacing.
Es ist nicht immer das gleiche. Das Spiel beginnt schlauchig, bekommt dann eine Hubworld und dann eine eher offenere Welt, die voll Kram zum Finden ist. (Leider ist das meiste nutzlos.. aber nicht so nutzlos wie bei anderen Open World Titeln)

Dennoch hat das Spiel einige Macken, die leider nicht von der Hand zu weisen sind.
Dass EVE riesen Brüste hat, macht einfach keinen Sinn.. das Spiel wäre ohne solchen Fanservicemist deutlich besser.
Upgrades sind schnell auf Max. was alle weiteren Upgradeitems wertlos macht.
Man erhält von Gegnern auch nur Geld, was nicht sinnvoll ausgegeben werden kann.
Mehrere Enden.
Habe ich schon immer gehasst. Jedes Ende entwertet alle anderen, weil es sie so belanglos macht.
Gib mir in einem Durchlauf 100% des Spiels. Ich werde das sicher nicht nochmal durchspielen bei 10.000 ungespielten Titeln.

Stellar Blade is a gorgeous and well-crafted action game and i can definitely see myself playing a sequel if ShiftUP create one.

Stellar Blade tells the story of an android/ human like called EVE who is sent by the benevolent "Mother Sphere" to rid Earth of monsters known as Naytibas who have spread pollution across the globe. But of course.. things aren't as they seem.

The setting, premise and twists were genuinely interesting, but there is a lack of detail about lore and not as much character development as I'd have liked, which is a shame because I do like these characters, and I'm curious to see where it goes in the eventual sequel.

The game is an Action/Adventure Hack and slash with absolutely phenomenal combat. You have a ton of moves at your
disposal from sword techniques to a multi purpose gun, and many attacks can be combined into each other to wreck utter havoc.

Not that the game is too easy, it requires good reflexes and pattern recognition, especially in the bosses which are without question the best part of the game.

The game is split into a few different areas, and it's at its best during the linear stages. There are 2 open world areas, they aren't too huge, but the 2nd one slightly overdoes it.

But generally level design and exploration is excellent, some of the best l've seen in the genre, often leading to useful rewards and side quests that open up new areas.

The musics great and the graphics are incredible, it has some rough spots, but this game rocked - 8.5/10

In many ways, Stellar Blade feels like a long-lost late PS3 title, in both design and execution. The team's passion for delivering an exceptional action adventure is clear, and a sequel that improves upon this first entry's shortcomings could position Stellar Blade as the beginning of a cult classic can't-miss action RPG franchise.

Full Review:

I am the biggest sucker for good music within a visual medium, and after playing the demo I pre ordered a game for the first time this decade. If it weren't for a few tedious puzzles and pacing issues I would have gone for the platinum immediately.

Damn it'll be very hard to beat this game with only one hand

Play it for the gameplay .... nothing else

The Gooner game is actually pretty good. I honestly have a hard time rating Stellar Blade. Still, the fact that this was Shift Up’s first major game release and it has as many good qualities as present is a HUGE feat on its own, yet their inexperience still shows throughout the experience of Stellar Blade. There are a lot of great things in this game. The combat, music, graphics, level design, enemy design, and enemies/boss fights, in general, are such a joy to experience, yet the cons of this game make the scales tip a bit. While the gameplay loop is excellent, the side quests and “open world” design feel so bland and uninspired. None of the quests and characters in them serve as memorable moments in the game's overall experience, and the copy-paste quest design doesn’t help their case. However, this stuff is optional, so what are the cons of the main game? The story and voice acting are… stale, to say the least. Throughout the story, I could already predict what would happen due to the obvious religious undertones present with the game's main cast. Still, the predictability isn’t where the problem lies for the story. It’s the lack of character writing and voice acting that harms this game, imo. I genuinely couldn't care less about the main, side, and “villain” cast. The plot twist regarding the two final villains in the game are not only a bit predictable and boring, but the voice acting and characterization make it so much worse. I have 0 connection to anything throughout the story besides the somewhat interesting ending that hints at a future sequel. My biggest takeaway from the story was just wondering where tf they take the sequel, and I like how it’s all up in the air as of right now. Shift Up has a solid foundation that can be realized in a sequel, and I am rooting for this team to deliver something great! While not the most memorable story-wise, the gameplay and boss fights are fantastic, making this a solid experience and a GOTY contender for 2024.

Final Score: 8/10

A very solid action game. I liked the story and character designs a lot and absolutely loved the soundtrack and combat. It was clearly influenced by NeiR, which I don't see as a bad thing, is nier-like now a thing?

Fast paced almost Souls-like gameplay, great graphics, and Amazing Music, Stellar Blade almost has the full package, though its story leaves a little to be desired, and a few of the quests don't go anywhere. Also should be mentioned that the game has a very depressing tone overall, so definitely not for everybody. All that said, if you're looking for a fun Hack and Slash, with a dash of Souls combat, and don't care about the story too much, this is definitely for you.

This review contains spoilers

Esse jogo é uma experiencia dificil de descrever.
Ele começa MUITO BOM, mas logo depois de 3 horas de jogo.
Ele abandona oq ele parecia ser, e se torna outro jogo.

Ele começa sendo linear, com cenarios semi-abertos e uma direção de arte linda, um jogo, objetivo, direto, e simples até.
Me lembrando até mesmo, jogos da FromSoftware.

Tendo até mesmo um combate que lembra Souls Like.

Mas, a partir do momento em que voce mata o primeiro boss principal da historia.
O jogo decidi te jogar em um mundo aberto num deserto com algumas cidades.

E esse é talvez o pior mapa de mundo aberto que ja vi em um jogo, com missões secundarias que conseguem ser mais entediantes e inúteis que as dos jogos da Ubisoft.

Por exemplo, numa quest para desbloquear a customização de cabelo, voce precisa pegar 3 itens em partes opostas do grande mapa aberto, e nesse meio tempo, NÃO ACONTECE NADA.
Você só anda de um lado pro outro.

E isso se repete em todas as quests, e a maioria sequer tem recompensas decentes.

A historia é legal, mas nada muito marcante.

A personagem é carismatica e muito bonita.

Mas temos um companion extremamente irritante com personalidade vazia e que comenta sobre tudo de forma... Meio rasa. E depois aparece outro companion mais irritante ainda.

Após o jogo virar mundo aberto em um deserto, você passa algumas horas lá e o jogo te devolve pra experiencia linear.

E você pensa "PORRA FODA' o jogo ficou bom dnv.
Só pra, tres horas depois, te jogar pra outro mundo aberto, tão ruim quanto.

O jogo não decide o que quer ser, e por isso merece uma nota 5/10.
Ele é bom, mas não por inteiro.



The fast-paced combat is thrilling, and the character designs are superb. The music, reminiscent of NieR: Automata, adds depth to the experience. While the story isn't stellar, the exciting battles and plot twists compensate for it. The fishing minigame is a fun distraction, but the abundance of collectibles and puzzles can be overwhelming for completionists. Parkour can be frustrating, often leading to multiple deaths while trying to reach items and side quests.

Stellar Blade est un excellent jeu d'action, agréable visuellement, avec un scénario qui se laisse suivre sans être exceptionnel, et une bande-son au top. L'intérêt principal du jeu reste son gameplay en combat, qui est tout simplement grisant et évolutif tout au long du jeu, on nous propose constamment de nouvelles mécaniques pour dézinguer des ennemis de la façon la plus classe possible.

On regrettera tout de même le monde semi-ouvert qui manque de richesse et ses quêtes secondaires peu intéressantes à suivre. J'aurais espéré une structure de jeu plus linéaire pour rendre le jeu encore plus rythmé.

J'ai passé un excellent moment et je ne peux qu'attendre le jeu suivant des développeurs.