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And this will be localized for the first time eveeeeeeeerrrrrrr.

I completed this game less than a month before the international rerelease/remaster/translation was announced. I love it so much but it is soooo loong. What the fuck is a Eustace Winner?!

wheres investigations 3 capcom

Definitivamente, mucho mejor que el primer juego. El ritmo es más acertado, y la calidad de escritura es superior en todo sentido. Es un juego donde cada caso es mejor que el anterior, hasta que llega al final, que es uno de los mejores casos de toda la saga. Aún así, me parece bastante más largo de lo que me gustaría, pero me quedo con una buena sensación. Los nuevos personajes que introduce son muy memorables, y me encanta cómo siempre traen de vuelta a varios personajes de juegos anteriores, para darle una gran sensación de continuidad al viaje que uno hace por estos juegos.

Jugado con la traducción fan. Ahora que ya sabemos los "nombres oficiales" de estos personajes, solo me parece una lástima haber perdido al estimado Sebastian Debeste.

top 3 game in the series like it's THAT good i honestly can't believe it's getting localized!!! dadworth is real kay faraday daughter of all time and um...... eustace winnerrrrrrrrr

I played the fan translation. Very good game overall but fuck you Capcom for announcing the official localization right as I was finishing up the final case

Cool fan localization. A massive improvement over the first game. My maybe second or third favorite Ace Attorney game

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It's kind of ironic that I finished this game only a couple days after Capcom announced it would finally get an official translation. Obviously, this review is based on the excellent fan translation. This game was hyped up to me as the best in the series and the worst in the series by different people. I was skeptical after Investigations 1 proved to be pretty underwhelming in comparison to the rest of the series, but this game is just as fantastic as people say. I'll do something I probably should have done with every game in the series and review each case individually.

Turnabout Target - What a fantastic opener, easily my favorite in the series. The stakes are the highest they've ever been in the series, dealing with a presidential assassination and tons of twists and turns that rival Turnabout Trump as the most complicated tutorial case. Honestly, I'd say this could have been later in the game but the short length means nothing overstays its welcome. Knightley is one of my favorite culprits and the return of de Killer is exciting and he's just as cool as he was before. Amazing start

The Imprisoned Turnabout - Easily the weakest case in the game. It has a really cool mystery but is held back by being way, way too long. They could easily have gotten away with just two or three parts, four is too long. If you take away how padded it is, it's still really good, introducing all the key characters for the game and like I said, the mystery is fantastic.

The Inherited Turnabout - Surprisingly, not my favorite. I still loved it, though. Switching between time periods is such a cool concept for a case and while it does feel really fanservice-y, getting to play as Gregory is fun I'll admit. The characters are top-notch with some hilarious, some tragic, and some hateable. The aesthetic and premise are also delightful, I love the idea of these people building massive sculptures of dessert (even if they were all frauds!).

The Forgotten Turnabout - Yeah, this one is my favorite, which I think is a hot take? Something about this just works so well for me. Blaise Debeste is such an evil culprit, you want to take him down so badly. Exposing the P.I.C. as being corrupt feels so rewarding considering how they've treated you in the past two cases as well. I love Kay losing her memories, it's such a bold storytelling decision that makes the mystery so much more interesting and it honestly doesn't feel that lazy when it's resolved. Also, the moment when Edgeworth relinquishes his badge is probably the best scene in the game. Just fantastic from a storytelling perspective.

The Grand Turnabout - Hot take, but this one didn't quite hit as hard for me. It felt really disjointed with all the different plotlines sort of abruptly stopping and starting. Characters tend to just kinda show up in this one without a whole lot of explanation, and Sebastian (or, sorry, Eustace) just completely disappears from the story after his arc finishes. That all being said, this case is still amazing. So many brilliant twists and turns, the way it ties the whole overarching narrative is so satisfying and cool, Simon in his villain persona is pretty menacing. Still a great finale, just overrated in my opinion.

So overall? Yeah, I think it's the best in the series so far, and might continue to be, depending on how good the stuff that comes after turns out. T&T has Bridge to the Turnabout, and nothing can top that, but this game is top-notch from start to end. Don't skip out on this one if Investigations 1 didn't do it for you - this game is absolutely worth plaiyng.