Reviews from

in the past

j'ai battu orstein et smough au bout de 60 heures de jeu et j'en ai encore des traces physiques sur les mains donc c bon je m'arrête la

one of the best games ive ever played

ابداع مع احسن تصميم عالم في العاب الزقة ميازاكي

Meu segundo souls mas o primeiro que eu zero de fato, após desistir outras 3 vezes conseguir engatar e chegar até o fim dessa definitiva obra espetacular, para chover no molhado da pra se elogiar absurdamente seu level design e sua beleza magistral em tudo, desde firelink shrine até anor londor até os monstros e bosses desafiadores e macabros, alguns bosses que ridicularmente faceis e outros ridicularmente dificeis, se bem que você não estaria jogando dark souls se não fosse pra sofrer um pouco né XD

Minha unica reclamação de fato é a puta maratona de 5 KM que a maioria dos bosses precisam para serem enfrentados, o dedo chegar a doer de tanto tempo pressionado o botão de correr, pra chegar e tomar 2 hits e já ganhar uma viagem só de ida pra fogueira mais próxima (maldito Gwym)

Apesar de alguns problemas obvios como não conseguir andar usando a cura e nem rolar pra onde querer, Dark souls remastered na minha opinião (de quem dropou 3x) é um excelente jogo e uma boa entrada para o gênero souls, você só precisa de uma boa paciência, porque nesse jogo tem uma coisa que eu acho incrível que é que a derrota não vem quando se morre 400x pelo mesmo boss, mas sim quando você jogador desiste da jornada e de tentar mais uma vez, pois em Dark souls, com perseverança e muita força de vontade até um ser vazio consegue derrotar um Deus.

The first time I really tried to get into this franchise. Played 15h on a cracked version (so no online assistance).
So far it's not my thing, the pain/enjoyment ratio does not do it.

Its Dark Souls. Beautiful game. Not as hard as they say (still died lots though).

Game aged badly feels clunky and there are much better souls-like games from fromsoft and other devs

This could be a better remaster if they solved some of the problems in the original game

This review contains spoilers

Replayed this in 2024 after having beaten all Souls games, Elden Ring and Sekiro. If I'm being brutally honest, I didn't have such a good time. DS1 is definitely great game for its time, but once you start seeing how the games in this genre evolved over the years, its shortcomings start being apparent. Its negatives lie mostly in the fact that even though Demon Souls was the first game, DS1 is still somewhat of a pioneer in the genre. A lot of this game's difficulty isn't so much the actual difficulty itself, but rather having to put up with many annoyances.

So to list some of the negatives:
- Almost every single boss encounter is just bad. You can see how mechanically weak they are. The majority of bosses can be beaten just by running around them and hitting them from the side and they'll be absolutely confused and will not manage to land a single hit in your direction (Gaping Dragon, Iron Golem or Asylum Demon reskins to name a few). Then there are bosses with absolutely terrible design. Capra Demon with chokingly small boss area that discriminates against anyone who doesn't turtle behind a shield + 2 random dogs thrown in the fight for a good measure. Gravelord Nito as an extremelly dull boss whose only difficulty is his 6 or so skeletons that can't be permanently killed. Ceaseless Discharge just keeps exploding until you manage to get enough damage in to kill it. Seath the Scaleless is ridiculously easy once you figure out how to kill him, but until you do, enjoy your curse halving your HP. Even the iconic Smough & Ornstein duo is only difficult because there's 2 of them at the same time. Don't even get me started on Bed of Chaos, the absolute #1 winner of almost every shit boss tier list of FromSoftware games.
- I can't think of a single boss room before which there wasn't an absurdly long way from the closest bonfire. I don't exactly require Statues of Marika from Elden Ring that spawn you right in front of the fog gate, but to me there's no reason having to spend 3+ minutes just getting back to the boss fight. You might argue it's there to have time to properly think about your mistakes from the last encounter, but I don't think that's necessarily true either. I realize my mistake the moment I make it, but still, perhaps being spawned right in front of the fog gate doesn't motivate player enough not to just brainlessly try the same thing over and over.
- Multiple "if you do this, your playthrough is screwed" moments. The absolute #1 offender in this regard is the game automatically throwing you into NG+ the moment you beat the last boss Gwyn. How the hell was I supposed to know I should've played the DLC before Gwyn? There's not even any old "save" to load, it's now done and over. So getting into the DLC would now require me to at least make it past Anor Londo again. Another one would be permanently losing Firelink Shrine bonfire if you use that Fire Keeper Soul to improve your Estus before you find out that soul could've been used to resurrect the Firelink Fire Keeper (although later I found that having Firelink bonfire wasn't as crucial as I thought).
- To reach the ending, you'll need to have done several steps in a specific order which kind of incentivises to look things up on the internet or wander around aimlessly for hours. For example, if you want to engage the Four Kings boss fight, you need to have killed another boss first, otherwise there's just a black pit you can jump into, but will just kill you with no additional info. When I jumped there and died, I thought "of course I died, what did I even expect?" and brushed it off as not the correct way forward, but later found out it was - I simply didn't complete a prerequisite.
- I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks Demon Ruins were just kind of left unfinished. It's just a huge area with ridiculous running distances and a bunch of Taurus and Capra Demon reskins slapped in there, and Lost Izalith not being much better either.

Still, it's not all bad. The game kept me engaged throughout the whole playthrough and the world design is among the best. I especially liked how so many of the areas then connect you back to Firelink Shrine via various unlocked shortcuts. Thanks to this, even before unlocking bonfire warping, it's not so bad having to travel on foot until then. Overall I had much better time with DS3, but I think I actually like DS1's world design more. The combat mechanics also feel more polished than in DS2.

what the fuck do you mean i have to "git gud"

melhor design de mundo, otima atmosfera, lore, variedade de builds, npcs extremamente memoraveis, progressao perfeita, areas mais fodas de todos os tempos (the abyss e ash lake) etc.

um dos melhores jogos de todos os tempos e provavelmente o jogo q eu zerei mais vezes na vida, meu favorito da franquia