Reviews from

in the past

This game is so beautiful and I love this style of gameplay. I think they could make it a little bit more complex and I think the do it in the second (which I didn't play yet). Currently playing the Donkey Kong DLC and enjoying the new mechanics.

Very Beautiful game with awesome mechanics. very much enjoyed my time with the game at the $15 price tag

Surprisingly pretty good and decently challenging

Una maravilla de crossover que nadie pidió y nadie se vio venir, pero que nos deleitó con un verdadero juegazo estratégico estilo Xcom para acercar a los más peques (y a los no tan peques) al género o, simplemente, disfrutar de una opción mucho más simplificada. Lo disfruté como un verdadero enano, pero he de admitir que no sería hasta su secuela que alcanzarían un peldaño más de calidad y un puntito más de estrategia y diversión

fire emblem if it was good and had hot waifus

GooeyScale: 70/100

I unabashidly love this game so much you guys have no clues..... Its hilarious to me that THIS is the game that sold me on a switch in 2018 lol.