Reviews from

in the past

I don't even have the words to describe how much this game changed gaming for me forever. Xenoblade is a once in a lifetime experience and it singlehandedly makes every other open world series feel pointless. I'm sorry Mr. AAA game with a budget of 10 trillion dollars you will never be able to match the sheer scale and magic this game has in every zone.

my first real jrpg, the combat felt really cool and fresh when i first played it but honestly the story kinda drags despite the overall plot being pretty neat

Operation Rainfall was something that I paid a lot of attention to back in 2011ish, I waited so long for this game to finally come out.

When it finally did the hype was at it's absolute max with critical acclaim left, right and center. To say it met those expectations would be accurate, an above average story for a JRPG, one of the most breathtaking, scenic worlds in any Video Game, one of the best OSTs, and just a generally strong cast of characters put it up there was one of the finest RPGs ever released.