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in the past

Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I still want more control tho

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Im torn: this is technically a better dlc than AWE. New enemy, new mechanics, a pretty neat idea. Execution just left me lukewarm if i'm gonna be honest. The cave system and astral plane mix just...iduno. Too much white and black and its just not fun to look at. Doesn't hit as much as the dark halls of AWE. Last fight isnt too interesting either. Thematically though? Very cool, i like the idea of the astral plane leaking into the world. The stuff with the former and the board is a bit neat too, i wish they went into a bit more but Jessie taking a stand against the board is pretty cool. I like the ideas, just not the best overall. AWE is a bit more memorable to me.

Wraps up a hanging plot thread from the main game and hints about where Control 2 could possibly go, but it fails to improve exactly on any of Control's faults.

If AWE was Remedy's way of setting up Alan Wake II, The Foundation seems to be their attempt at setting the stage for Control 2, whenever that comes out. I liked the story in this DLC, particularly for how it directly addresses the Bureau's relationship with the Board and the astral plane, something that is mainly taken as a given in the base game. Other than that I would say this was a slight let down. The Foundation itself is just a series of very similar looking caves covered in red sand, nowhere near as fun to explore (or just look at) as the Oldest House. This also doesn't really add much to the gameplay, other than the Hiss Sharpened enemies, who provide a bit of a new challenge. You get the new Fracture and Shape abilities, but they don't have any utility at all outside of the DLC. At least AWE gave us a new Service Weapon form, even if it was kind of lame.

It's another few hours of Control, a game that I like, so it's not bad, but it doesn't quite live up to the standards of the base game for me.

Interesting. As everything that is in this universe.