Reviews from

in the past

Fantastic and silly at the same time. So much fun, just wish I had more popcorn.

C'était trop compliqué de mettre plus de 3 mobs différents ?

Fantastic game with an amazing story and fun gameplay. Some small complaints are that there is no consistent fast travel and the quests can get very confusing at times.

სიუჟეტური ხაზი დავხურე და არც დამაინტერესა რო მომესმინა დიალოგი, გეიმფლეი 2014 წლიდან და რავი მართლა კაი რაც ქონდა გრაფიკა და არტი აქედან გამომდინარე ვიზუალურად კარგი თამაშია. ფრენჩაიზს აქვს მომავალი თუ გეიმფლეის გაასწორებენ და რამე იდეები ექნებათ მიფუჩეჩებული და დაუმთავრებელი თამაშის შთაბეჭდილება დატოვა, ახალი არაფერია დასკიპეთ მარტივად. ნუ თუ უბრალოდ ჩეხაობა გინდათ Elden Ring ითამაშეთ და მოგვარდება პრობლემა

I should start by saying this isn't a review, more like a thank you letter. Dragon's Dogma II isn't a game I thought I'd ever be lucky enough to play, I bought the original back in 2012 and every SKU after in the hopes a sequel would arrive and it's so, so, rare to get a wish granted in this way. Dragon's Dogma II is a dream sequel and then some. From one of the best character creators I've ever used, to a deep and engaging combat system, buttressed by the intense need to manage resources and time around the combat in order to make it back to inns/camps by night. Few experiences adequately capture the highs and lows of being a wandering adventurer like this, battling a drake in a colosseum, down to our last resource, before watching the stars by the fire with my party after a hard fought victory - it felt completely perfect. So thanks Hideaki Itsuno and team, for waiting so long to make sure it was ready. I wish I was the same age as I was when the original released, so I'd have enough time to replay it a billion times, but hey, the Cycle must, and will eventually, continue.

I just couldn't finish it. Between the poor performance even with top of the line GPU and CPU, slow travel without enough ways to return to a previous location quickly on top of lots of back tracking AND fast stamina draining, the harsh weight management, the story being average. Yes, you can mod some of these issues to make them less annoying, but you shouldnt have to mod a game to make it less bad. It's not a BAD game, it's just a drudge to play.

Na moral não gaste seu dinheiro com essa bosta, quase 400 reais em um jogo que tem o mapa um pouco maior que o primeiro game, capcom decepcionou com esse lançamento, a única coisa prestável nele são os gráficos e as classes q são mais variadas do q as classes do 1, mas eu me diverti e joguei bem mais o 1 do q esse lixo aqui, mas é questão de gosto, no fim só joguei dinheiro fora.

j'avais pas aimé le 1 mais j'ai quand même voulu tester le 2, malheureusement c'est pareil.

Joguei algumas horas só do primeiro. Mas pelo que vi melhoraram bastante o mundo e a gameplay deste. Enfim, jogão, mas lá pro final deixa um pouco a desejar (parece até que faltou orçamento pra fazer um final digno). Mas recomendo bastante.

Story wasn't as good as the first game imo. It could have been, but it felt like it wasn't fully fleshed out. That said, I liked the characters in this game a lot more. I feel there was a wider variety of interesting characters.

master gameplay , trash optimization