Reviews from

in the past

They did blitzball so dirty, 0/10 literally unplayable. Jokes aside, it's very fun that they did a direct sequel, it's not as good as FFX, but it's also not trying to be. The story is mostly fine, nothing too special, but nothing too terrible. I don't love that they undermined some of the themes of sacrifice from FFX, but whatever. The actual gameplay is pretty great - this might be one of the best versions of a job-based ATB battle system. Like a lot of games, you do eventually reach a point where there are only a couple strategies that dominate everything else, but for 90% of the game, the variety keeps the battling fresh.

- The sequel to Final Fantasy 10 and continues the story in some sense.
- The gameplay is actually the strongest part of this game with the sphere dresses and being able to have varied classes for each character.
- The plot is alright and isn't stress heavy, having a different feeling then FF10 is a plus in my eyes.
- The OST is alright, not memorable but is serviceable in the game.